Saturday, December 31, 2011

Egyptian Coptics attacked, dozens slightly injured

From Jihad Watch:

20 November 2011

Egyptian Coptics attacked, dozens slightly injured

(CNN) -- Hundreds of Coptics marching in Cairo Thursday were attacked by unknown assailants.

Thirty-two people were injured including two police officers, according to Dr. Adel Al Dawi, a ministry of health spokesman. Except for one badly injured girl who remained hospitalized late Thursday, those injured were treated for minor bruises and cuts.

The marchers were heading to Cairo's Tahrir Square to commemorate the deaths of pro-Coptic protesters killed in clashes in the Egyptian capital last month.

Coptic Christians, an ancient sect, make up about 9% of Egypt's largely Muslim population, according to the U.S. State Department. Problems between Egypt's Muslim majority and its Coptic Christian minority have been on the rise in recent months, with a number of violent clashes reported between the two groups.

Thursday's march was organized by the Free Copts Movements and the Blood of Martyrs movement, two of many new groups formed after clashes that took place on October 9 in the Cair neighborhood of Maspero leaving 26 dead and 300 injured.

"We were marching peacefully with candles to commemorate the 26 martyrs of Maspero on the 40-day anniversary of the Maspero attacks, when several youth clashed," said Sherif Doss, the head of the Egyptian Coptic Association.

"Some residents started throwing rocks and glass bottles from the rooftops of buildings at the crowds, which left many injured," Doss added.

"Hundreds of police conscripts assigned by the ministry of interior to protect the march started firing tear gas canisters to stop the clashes between the unidentified men," Sameh Mina a Coptic protester, told CNN.

"The Copts defended themselves and threw rocks back at the attackers until the police intervened," Mina added.

It is an Egyptian tradition to commemorate the dead on the 40th day after death.

Thursday's clashes came a day before a "million-man" protest scheduled for Friday in Tahrir Square against the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

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Egypt: Unlike October massacre of Christians, recent protesters' deaths get army apology

From Jihad Watch:

Egypt: Unlike October massacre of Christians, recent protesters' deaths get army apology

The contrast is noteworthy. This is what the army said this time:

"The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) presents its regrets and deep apologies for the deaths of martyrs from among Egypt's loyal sons during the recent events in Tahrir Square,"

Compare that to the Orwellian-grade cover-up of the Maspero massacre of October 9, which has seen the military take over the investigation -- appointing itself to "investigate" its own massacre -- from a civilian prosecutor. Apology? Not a chance. They blamed infiltrators and saboteurs for the incident, and they have threatened at least 34 Copts with prosecution, even hauling in priests in for interrogation.

The difference shows all the more that the army could care less about the Christian minority, and knows it can beat on the Christians with impunity, without consequences from inside Egypt, and apparently without much outside accountability from other powers that send Egypt aid.

But there is another reason for the difference: the army has nothing to be afraid of from the Copts (despite broadcasters' pleas to Egyptians to "protect" the army from them on the night of the massacre). This round of protests, on the other hand, threatens to be the "revolution after the revolution," and this time, the military is in the crosshairs, rather than Mubarak.

Diminishing the power of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, deplorable as the group is, will only make room for the remaining organized bloc of power, the Muslim Brotherhood. The military is busily trying to carve out a secure future for itself with a comfortable level of immunity, with one eye on its overlords-in-waiting, who will have some scores to settle.

"Egypt vote to go on as military apologises," by Simon Martelli for Agence France-Presse, November 24:

Egypt's military rulers apologised on Thursday for the deaths of demonstrators at the hands of police, while insisting elections will go ahead next week as planned.

"The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) presents its regrets and deep apologies for the deaths of martyrs from among Egypt's loyal sons during the recent events in Tahrir Square," it said in a statement on its Facebook page.

There were still large crowds in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Thursday, scene of days of deadly clashes between security forces and protesters demanding an immediate end of military rule, but the mood was calm after a truce negotiated by Muslim clerics.

"An agreement has been reached between security forces and protesters to halt confrontations between the two sides," Egypt's cabinet said in a statement on Facebook.

At least 38 protesters have been killed since Saturday -- when the clashes first erupted -- and more than 2,000 injured, prompting expressions of concern from Western governments and a UN call for an independent inquiry into the "excessive use of force."

The demonstrators have been demanding the military leadership step down immediately and allow a return to civilian rule.

But the military council said on Thursday that doing so would amount to a "betrayal" of the people.

"The people have entrusted us with a mission and if we abandon it now, it would be a betrayal of the people," senior SCAF member General Mukthar al-Mulla told a news conference.

"The armed forces do not want to stay in power. We want to put the wishes of the people above all else," he said, adding that since the start of the transitional period it had been the army's "first objective" to restore security on the Egyptian streets.

"We will not delay the elections," said another senior SCAF member, Major General Mamduh Shahine. "This is the final word. They will be conducted according to the original dates."

Egyptians are set to vote on Monday in the first legislative elections since Hosni Mubarak was ousted, but the violence has cast a dark shadow over the country's first step to democratic rule.

Posted by Marisol on November 24, 2011 7:19 AM

Christians in imminent danger across the world are refused refugee status while Muslim refugee immigration goes unimpeded

from Jihad Watch:

Christians in imminent danger across the world are refused refugee status while Muslim refugee immigration goes unimpeded

Over at Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller provides inside information on an all-too predictable and patently unjust Obama Administration practice:

US policy regarding the refugee resettlement program would shock most Americans if they only knew. The UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Indeed. Read it all.

Posted by Robert on November 24, 2011 7:47 AM

Nigeria: Muslims murder children of convert to Christianity

From Jihad Watch:

Nigeria: Muslims murder children of convert to Christianity

Islamic law forbids Muslims to leave Islam. These murders were revenge upon one Muslim who dared to exercise his freedom of conscience. "NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Militants Kill Children Of Christian Convert, Missionaries Say," by Stefan J. Bos for BosNewsLife, November 23 (thanks to Mackie):

ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- A militant group seeking to enforce Sharia, or Islamic law, throughout Nigeria, has shot and killed two children of an ex-terrorist and "murderer" because he converted to Christianity, well-informed missionaries told BosNewsLife Wednesday, November 23.

Boko Haram, meaning “Western education is a sin”, carried out the killings this month after discovering that a former fellow fighter refused to kill a Christian and instead accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, explained Rae Burnett, Africa Director of the U.S. based Christian Aid Mission (CAM) group.

Burnett told BosNewsLife that the father and Boko Haram militant "was poised to slit the throat of his Christian victim" during November attacks in northern Nigeria that killed at least over 130 Christians, including missionaries, when "he was suddenly struck with the weight of the evil he was about to commit."

Dropping his machete, the man ran to the nearest church, asking a pastor for help, Burnett said....

"When the call came, the ministry leader was grieving the loss of several close missionary friends who were murdered in the Yobe State slaughter. He immediately met with the confessed killer and joyfully led him to Christ. He is discipling him in a secret location because of the extreme danger."

Burnett declined to identify the former Muslim militant and missionaries, citing security concerns.

"After meeting the Lord, the converted terrorist [and] murderer called his former colleagues to testify what had happened to him without disclosing where he was," she said.


However, "Upon discovering the man's conversion to Christianity, Boko Haram members invaded his home, kidnapped his two children and informed him that they were going to execute them in retribution for his disloyalty to Islam. Clutching his phone, the man heard the sound of the guns that murdered his children," the CAM official added.

There was no known published comment about the specific attack by Boko Haram, but the reported murders were part of what President leader Goodluck Jonathan called "heinous violence" which began November 4 mainly in and around Damaturu, the capital of Nigeria's northern Yobe state.

Christian missionaries said that during the attacks Muslim "extremists" of Boko Haram also demanded that Christians recite the Islamic creed. Those who refused, were reportedly butchered on the spot.

Additionally, "among the "devastation and destruction left in the wake of Boko Haram's violence were 10 church buildings set aflame while Christians remained trapped inside," added Burnett, who has close knowledge about the situation.

Though "severely traumatized," the former Boko Haram fighter who lost his children "is growing in the knowledge of Christ through the loving care he is receiving from his brothers and sisters in the ministry that is sheltering and training him," she said. "He knows he is called to become a missionary to Nigerian Muslims."...

Burnett said several ex-Muslims facing "the danger of persecution or death from the Islamic community and even family members," are brought to "a safe location while they are discipled and trained in the Word of God."...

The Boko Haram's "goal is to force Sharia law throughout Nigeria" targeting "secular education by bombing schools and universities, " the CAM director said. She added that while attacks are often prompted by local issues, they also aim at "anything that is perceived to be foreign influence."...

Posted by Robert on November 24, 2011 3:51 PM

Muslims Stone Catholic Festival-Goers in France

From Europe News:

Muslims Stone Catholic Festival-Goers in France

Islam versus Europe 25 November 2011

By Cheradenine Zakalwe

Muslims have attacked Christians attending a Catholic celebration in southern France. The Joyeuse Union Don Bosco [Joyous Union Don Bosco] takes place in Nîmes, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady the Virgin of Santa Cruz, built by French people repatriated from the Algerian city of Oran following Algerian independence. These people were driven out of the place they grew up in by Muslim aggression. Now they face it in France too!

After a day of welcoming and reunions, around 7 pm, the participants were leaving in their cars and vehicles when "young Arab immigrants" from the city started to throw stones at the vehicles descending from the sanctuary.

The local police, whose station is in this area, were immediately notified and the event organisers had to arrange a diversion to another route to protect the occupants of the vehicles from the savage attacks which continued. (...)

Posted November 25th, 2011 by pk

Radical Islam Passing through Greece

From Europe News:

Radical Islam Passing through Greece

Defence News form Greece and Cyprus 25 November 2011

By Ioannis Michaletos

Greece is an E.U., NATO and Eurozone country that has traditionally strong links with the Islamic world due to the geographical proximity with the Middle East and North Africa and the Ottoman rule that lasted four centuries, along with numerous historical encounters with Islam since the Middle Ages.

Currently the country faces a debt crisis that, apart from its obvious disastrous financial consequences both in a domestic and in a global scale, also raises security concerns related to terrorist networks of Islamist origin.

Recent upheavals in Maghreb and the Middle East pertain to Greek and European security as well.

Presently, the country hosts a Muslim minority that is a remnant of the Ottoman Empire, but also an expanding Islamic population from the Arab countries and Pakistan that enter Greece in significant number as illegal immigrants. Corporations in the country, such as banking institutions, tourist companies and real estate firms are in control of Islamic funds, whereas countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Libya can be considered significant trade partners of Greece.

The wider picture

In Athens, Greece, the Iranian Saderat bank is hosted, which is a U.S black-listed institution due to alleged links with Hezbollah. Iran covers 25 percent of Greece’s oil needs per annum and segments of its natural gas needs. There are indications that Hezbollah groups are operating in a logistical-support basis in Athens by gathering funds through tobacco contraband over the past years, as a 2007 report by American collective security research outlined.

In a broad sense, Greece, due to a mixture of its geographical placement, history and business links, is considered a gateway for the Islamic element in close proximity to the European Union and the Balkans, and over the past 10 years it has become one of the main transit territories for Islamic-originating illegal immigration to Europe.

Until now Greece does not seem to have a particular issue of Islamic fundamentalism. Nevertheless, as aptly described in a 2009 U.S. State Department report on terrorism, "Greece is increasingly an E.U. entry point for illegal immigrants coming from the Middle East and South Asia, and there was concern that it could be used as a transit route for terrorists travelling to Europe and the United States. The number of illegal immigrants entering Greece, especially through the Aegean Sea, increased dramatically in 2008 and 2009, with more than 100,000 illegal immigrants, nearly half of whom originated from North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, arrested each year.”

Presently in Greece, there seems to be activity within radical Islamic elements as well as gradual projection of Islamic political entities through the use of Greek nationals.

A revelation by the infamous WikiLeaks telegrams showed that the ex-U.S. ambassador in Athens, Daniel Speckhard, has noted the danger of the nexus between Greek domestic terrorist groups and Islamic groups, including those from Iran, as he was informed by the then-Greek minister of public Order, Michalis Chrysohoidis. The leaked telegram was presented by the Greek weekly paper To Vima along with further analysis that points out that the fears expressed are of valid nature.

In 2007 a rocket launch attack with an RPG against the American Embassy in Athens was carried out by the Greek group Revolutionary Struggle, which stated in its proclamation note support for Hezbollah in Lebanon. In 2009 the Greek weekly To Proto Thema reported that Greek leftist terrorists seem to have been trained in Lebanon in paramilitary camps operated by Islamists.

In a special report by the French daily Le Figaro, on December 21, 2010, the case of the route of Islamic terrorists from Lebanon to Europe was noted with significant details. The Lebanese Army Cornell Mahmoud Issa noted to the French journalists that since November 2010, some 20 extremists managed to escape from a camp where they were kept in Lebanon and found their way to the European Union. He stated that already the authorities had been notified on an international level, although he admitted that this is a difficult task. The French security authorities believe that this is the case of a new jihad mission heading towards European metropolises.

In classified documents that were in possession of radical groups in Lebanon, it was noted that three men managed to leave the camp through Syria and Turkey and up to Greece and Bulgaria with the assistance of illegal immigrant transport networks managed by Turks. They managed to acquire fake IDs and were finally caught by a common operation of the Bulgarian and Greek authorities. That case was closely monitored by British and French intelligence due to the fact that these two countries were the ultimate destination of the Lebanese group. Mahmoud Issa stated that more cases are to be found that evade the authorities so far.

Incidents of interest

According to the pre-9/11 French intelligence report, American interests in Greece and Cyprus were considered by Osama bin Laden’s network as targets. Citing a DGSE document, To Vima reported that members of al Qaeda, mostly located in Beirut, in cooperation with Taliban officials and other armed groups, were planning to hijack airplanes between March and September 2000, yet it was never carried out due to various logistical and operational disagreements.

European intelligence agencies have also reported that about 20 Arab fundamentalists have been arrested in Britain, Italy, Portugal, France and the Netherlands for having in their possession forged Greek passports, according to a 2007 revelation by the Greek daily Ta Nea and for the period 2001-2006.

In another notable case, in September 2005 Moroccan Anwar Mazrar— one of the leading Al Qaeda operational terrorists in Europe—was arrested on the Greek-Turkey border while attempting to travel to Greece on the Istanbul-Thessalonica bus service. Mazrar had been accused of being a leading member of terrorist groups in Morocco and also of having ties with al Qaeda. It was revealed that Mazrar was planning to stay in Greece for a while as an illegal immigrant and then move on to Italy and plan two bombing attacks.

Mazrar regularly travelled from Milan, Italy, to Algeria, Syria and Turkey. Greek authorities suspected that he was interested in setting up a base of support in Greece and use the country as a safe haven between Italy and the Middle East. In 2005, immediately after the capture of Mazrar, there was a boost in surveillance by the Greek authorities of suspected Islamist radicals in the country. Cooperation between Greece, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom intensified in that sector.

Towards the end of 2010, various press reports claimed that radical Islamic action was increasing in the center of Athens, and the issue became widely publicized after it was brought to Parliament via the LAOS political party, which demanded state explanations on the issue and proper notification of security forces. According to statements by several Greek politicians, the country hosts amongst its illegal immigrant population radical cells and quite possibly "al Qaeda sleeping cells.”

In another case in 2005, the so-called "Pakistani abduction case,” 28 Pakistani immigrants were allegedly kidnapped by Greek intelligence agents in Athens. That case was connected to the cooperation between Greek and U.K. authorities following the July 2005 bombings in London, but was also the first notable case of accusation of the Greek state by Islamic organizations that Greece is actively turning against the Islamic element and taking harsh measures in the "war against terror.” The Greek weekly newspaper Proto Thema disclosed the names of 15 alleged Greek agents and an MI6 spy chief allegedly involved with kidnapping and torturing the Pakistanis eight days after the London bombings of July 7, 2005. There was widespread support by leftist groups that demanded through a series of legal actions and demonstrations the punishment of the Greek and U.K. security members involved.

According to all data up to now, the Pakistani immigrants were somehow connected, probably via mobile phone SMS texting and conversations, with the terrorist group responsible for the July 2005 bombings in London. Although six years have passed, Greek and U.K. authorities have not revealed the extent of the involvement of these immigrants.

In early 2011, the Greek media revealed information mainly derived from WikiLeaks that U.S. diplomats in Athens had since 2006 information that there is a nexus between illegal immigrant trafficking networks from Pakistan and terrorists groups in that country that profit from that illicit market. American diplomats at that period in Athens met with their Pakistani counterparts and then provided to Greek authorities several names of traffickers suspected with links to terrorists.

According to the State Department, the Greek authorities didn’t take any action, and one Pakistani diplomat who served in Athens at that period, in a conversation with an American officer, commented that he suspects "Greek security officials may be involved in covering the traffickers.”

In July 2009 Abu Sanjat, am Iraqi citizen wanted by Interpol due to his involvement with terrorist attacks in Baghdad, was arrested in Greece. His arrest was a joint Greek-American-Iraqi operation. According to media reports, he was one of the main ringleaders of al Qaeda in Iraq who wanted to expand the network into Europe. He came to Greece as an illegal immigrant by crossing the borders with Turkey and joined a team of another 20 immigrants. When he was arrested he had forged papers identifying him as a Palestinian refugee claiming political asylum.

In 2006 another case of interest took place in the Athens international network. According to reportage by the Greek daily paper Kathimerini, an imam and Pakistani citizen wanted for terrorist attacks and homicide was arrested as he was flying from the United Kingdom, where he lived in a provincial town. The police investigation revealed that his purpose of visiting Athens was to enact a series of religious seminars for the expanding community of Pakistani immigrants in the city. Although there was an international arrest warrant against him by authorities of Pakistan, he was able to pass through the airport controls in London before taking his flight to Athens. That particular incident alarmed the Greek authorities who surprisingly were able to map an emerging social network of Pakistani radical Islamists in Greece before they were able to commit illegal activities or terrorist actions.


Greece’s geographical placement, in addition to the wider culminations in the Mediterranean that have unfolded over the past year, has sounded alarm bells over the peril of the country being used as a regional logistics hub for international Islamic terrorists and a breeding ground of radicals amongst the communities of illegal immigrants from Islamic countries.

A Greek intelligence service report that was leaked in April 2011 in the Greek daily paper Ethnos points to a definite nexus between international organized crime, illegal immigration trafficking, and the communities of Islamists in the country who in their turn finance and form NGOs in order to attain influence in the local society. The danger of infiltration of terrorists in all of the above is also highlighted.

The main known countermeasures that have been taken by the Greek authorities include increased exchange of intelligence with partner countries, technological upgrade of surveillance equipment, and infiltration of suspected radical and terrorist cells.

Posted November 25th, 2011 by pk

Hate Crimes: Muslims No Worse Off Than Jews, Gays, or Blacks

Hate Crimes: Muslims No Worse Off Than Jews, Gays, or Blacks

Turkey's Erdogan, African Muslim leaders claim there is a systematic campaign across the world against Islam

From Jihad Watch:

Turkey's Erdogan, African Muslim leaders claim there is a systematic campaign across the world against Islam

Yet more evasion of responsibility and finger-pointing from Muslim leaders. When have we seen anything else from them? The unmentioned fact here, of course, is Islamic jihad terrorism. If jihadists would stop justifying violence, hatred and supremacism in the name of Islam, this "negative perception of Islam" would melt away.

More on this story. "Nigeria: Muslim Leaders Berate Media on 'Negative Representation of Islam,'" by Hamza Idris for the Daily Trust via, November 24 (thanks to Maxwell):

Istanbul — LEADERS of Muslim communities in Africa yesterday in Istanbul, Turkey frowned at the international media for portraying Islam as a religion of violence and intolerance. Muslim representatives, who spoke at the ongoing Summit of Religious Leaders of Muslim Countries and Communities in Africa (SRLMCC) which was organized by the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, observed that poor understanding of the teachings of Islam as well as negative campaigns were responsible for the violence, poverty and ignorance in many African countries.

Prime Minister of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who spoke at the opening session of the five -day conference noted that though his country is not part of Africa, his people are deeply pained by the happenings in the continent.

"There is a systematic campaign across the world against Islam. The negative perception of Islam as a religion of conflict as being portrayed by the media is very wrong. The media is using some marginal examples to define Islam as a religion of conflict and terrorism and as Muslims, we have to come together to overcome these challenges. Turkey will continue to assist Muslim communities in Africa in the areas of education, science and technology," he said.

Dr Abdul Lateef Adegbite, the Secretary-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, who was represented by Professor Yahya Oyewole Imam, said the council was responsible for inter-faith dialogue and collaboration with other agencies towards the propagation of good virtues of Islam.

The Shehu of Borno Alhaji Dr. Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi on his part described the coming together of Muslims in Africa as a positive development.

"The time for such initiative and effort is more appropriate now than ever before. This is because in these days of globalization and science and information technology, Islam has continued to face greater challenge of unity, peace and harmony. These are no doubt easy to achieve if we all adhere strictly to the great tenets of Islam which guide Muslims of all ages on what to do and what not to do," he said.

Muslim leaders from all African countries are attending the event.

Posted by Robert on November 25, 2011 12:40 PM

Australia: University produces handbook for Muslim students only, lists pro-jihad mosques

From Jihad Watch:

Australia: University produces handbook for Muslim students only, lists pro-jihad mosques

Muslim students are more equal than other students at Australia's Monash University. And what's the big deal about a listing of "radical" mosques? What could possibly go wrong in our brave, new multicultural world?

"Muslim handbook is divisive," by Miranda Devine for the Herald Sun, November 24 (thanks to Kenneth):

MONASH University prides itself on its "multicultural learning environment" and yet it produces a handbook for one certain class of students, and not for others.

Salaam Monash is the title of the glossy 50-page "handbook for Muslim students".

"At Monash we understand that Muslim students have specific social, religious and cultural needs," writes Professor Stephanie Fahey, deputy vice-chancellor, in a foreword to the handbook.

The booklet lists Islamic banking and financial institutions, Muslim publications, women's groups and schools. It also lists Muslim medical and dental practitioners, which splits up doctors into male and female groups.

There is also a halal food guide and a list of halal grocers and butchers.

Much of the information seems useful and, having had a young Muslim house guest recently, I know just how tricky it can be to find halal food.

Really? I'm in Australia now and in walking around Melbourne, I saw an abundance of shops offering it.

But there is no similar handbook for other religious or ethnic groups, not for Buddhists, Taoists, Germans, Greeks, Sikhs, Mormons or vegans.

Why encourage one group of people to maintain an identity separate from other Australians?

Most unwise, however, is that the handbook lists without comment some of Australia's most radical prayer halls.

Among them is cleric Sheikh Mohammed Omran's Islamic Call Society in Brunswick, where young Muslim men have been radicalised. A number of men arrested in Operation Pendennis, over a foiled 2005 Melbourne terror plot, had frequented the mosque, according to a New York Police Department study, which identified it as an "extremist incubator".

Similarly, the handbook points students in the direction of Coburg's ISNA mosque, associated with preacher Abu Hamza, who was videotaped telling men they could "beat their wives to shape them up" but only as a last resort. In the lecture entitled "The Keys to a Successful Marriage", he said: "You smack them, you beat them. You are not allowed to bruise them."...

"Monash University should not be endorsing (an) ideology which prescribes that Muslims must not eat our food, wear our clothes, share our services or even use our 'infidel' money," said four insiders who wrote to me. "International students would be better served with a handbook explaining Australian culture and values."

Monash is not alone. La Trobe has its own Muslim student guide and last year opened a $927,000 prayer room.

In 2006 RMIT produced a Muslim handbook "In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". Two years later 1000 Muslim students protested against sharing new prayer rooms with Christians and Jews....

Posted by Robert on November 25, 2011 1:08 PM

New Jersey Muslim father suspected of murdering daughter, son-in-law in Pakistan honor killing

from Jihad Watch:

New Jersey Muslim father suspected of murdering daughter, son-in-law in Pakistan honor killing

It is no accident or coincidence that Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.

Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."

Nonetheless, the media drumbeat is constant: honor killings have nothing to do with Islam. And as long as that continues, we will see more and more murders like this one.

"New Jersey Father Suspected of Murdering Daughter, Son-in-Law in Pakistan 'Honor Killing,'" from NewsCore, November 25 (thanks to Wkujoy):

GUJRAT, Pakistan -- A New Jersey resident whose daughter and son-in-law were gunned down while on a trip to Pakistan was named as the chief suspect in their deaths.

Muzaffar Hussain is suspected of murdering his New York native daughter Uzma Naurin, 30, and her husband, Saif Rehman, 31, in an "honor killing," the Daily Mail reported.

Naurin and Rehman were shot dead Nov. 1 when their car was ambushed near the northeastern Pakistan city of Gujrat. The car's driver and several other passengers were uninjured.

The couple -- who were living in Scotland but planning to relocate to the US -- were in Pakistan to attend a family wedding which Hussain was also attending. Hussain has since returned to his home in Jersey City, N.J.

Pakistani police spokesman Nasir Butt said that the 58-year-old cab driver is being treated as the chief suspect in the case.

Members of Naurin's family were unhappy about her marriage to Rehman, a friend of the couple told the newspaper. Naurin was married previously, but her first husband committed suicide. Naurin subsequently refused to enter an arranged second marriage with her dead husband's brother.

Posted by Robert on November 25, 2011 4:00 PM


from Jihad Watch:

22 November 2011


A dear friend of the Tundra Tabloids mentioned the following concerning this story in the FPN.DK. We were both aghast at the ease in which portions of society, in the willingness to be tolerant, would so brazenly discriminate against members of its own society. KGS

NOTE: Remember folks, rejection of Islam, just the saying no to it, is tantamount to charges of discriminationa and bigotry….islamophobia.

Chipping away at the host society’s foundation, one little piece at a time, until that society finally accepts that it has no right to be different to the immigrants to whom it has extended a helping hand out of sheer naivity and well-intentioned but ultimately self-destructive sincerity.

I just don’t get it. We’re Jewish – and Zionist – and proud of both. When our kids were at school and the autumn term came to an end, there was the traditional end of term celebration in the church. It is merely TRADITION, not forced conversion, for heaven’s sake. Our kids survived, and survived very well. They are still Jewish, very much so. We have chosen to live in a nominally Christian country, where people celebrate things like Easter, Christmas, Midsummer, even Crayfish Premiere. Jews don’t eat crayfish – should we insist that the nation change its tradition to accommodate us? Absurd beyond belief.

The staff has decided not to participate in the traditional Christmas service in Lillerød Church because a high proportion of children in the institution are Muslims.

“The reason is that we have several Muslim families who do not want their children to go to church. And so we decided to say “no thanks” because we also have our everyday work,” said Susan Lund Andersen, the headmaster of “Ørnevang” to Jyllands Posten.

The decision to drop the Christmas church service causes great annoyance at the vicar of Lillerød Church who believe that the Christmas worship service is an important part of the Danish Christmas tradition.

Would amend the program

“I was upset and annoyed that they cancelled. They called and asked if I could make the program so they could participate. I always end the ceremony with the bright blessing of the children, and they wanted me to refrain from that for the sake of the children’s religion,” says Carsten Mulnæs who is the vicar.

He believes that “Ørnevang” – the institution – has taken a wrong decision because now all the kids are unable to attend the Christmas service.

“I believe that children should have the opportunity, because it is a Danish tradition. I know that the institution has a large representation of Muslim children, but I know that not all families have a problem with going to church. I think a majority of the kids will be cheated, “says Carsten Mulnæs.

It affects integration

The organization Muslims in Dialogue is sorry that the neglect impacts the children who would like to go to church.

“I think it’s a shame if it goes beyond the children who actually wanted to go to church. But on the other hand, I do not think one should force anyone to participate, who do not want to, whatever religion they belong to, “says Vice President Nihad Hodzic.

The act made Carsten Mulnæs write a reader posts in today’s edition of Frederiksborg County newspaper, where he emphasizes the church’s role in integration.

“You can not integrate into nothing. But that is exactly what we risk as with that kindergarten: Nothing. It is not respect for Muslims, but disrespect for our own history.”

The service is not crucial

The argument that the Christmas worship service is important for integration has not the great impact among Muslims in Dialogue.

“I understand that the priest gets upset that the institution refuse to go to his church, but I do not believe that it actually works against integration. Personally I have never participated in a Christmas sermon, and I do not think that it is essential for integration, “said Nihad Hodzic.

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From Jihad Watch:

22 November 2011


Unbelievable. This is what the Norwegian political/cultural self anointed ‘elite’ has bequeathed to its society in the name of multiculturalism. Sickening. KGS

Oslo policeman to victim of robbery who had a gun to his head

- I’ll be home in just two minutes, he told his girlfriend. That’s when the battery took place, by robbers who obviously were experienced in this kind of crime.

While the young Norwegian man was blinded by the blood running over his face, he was instructed by the supposedly Somali robbers to say that it was “whites” who did it, not blacks.

Aggressive demand by the two young robbers for both his wallet and his iPhone.

Sturla is blinded by blood from the deep cut in his forehead, but remembers, however, that he has 1500 in cash in his wallet. He hopes the robbers are satisfied with it, but the nightmare continues. They push him down a staircase, then through a pedestrian and bicycle tunnel under Fagerheim street, into Torshov Valley.

Aftenposten follows him on the route the robbers followed. He remembers a man to pass a few tens of meters away, but it was unacceptable to give the alarm.

- You do not cry for help with a gun pressed against his back, says Sturla.

Several times, he is beaten by robbers. Sturla is hurt and confused. They are angry because he’s bent over and too slow.

- Life-

The two robbers target him. He thinks that it is not their first robbery. They lead him into the back of a football binge, then through a hole in a fence into a dense thicket. There, ordered him down on the ground – in the pitch dark.

- I’m lying there in the fetal position terrified, and with my hands over my head to protect me against them.

One of the robbers sits on top of Sturla, and presses the gun up under his chin.

- I feel the cold steel against my skin, remember Sturla with horror.

Murder threat

So begins an increasingly aggressive questioning. “Password, Password” repeat the robbers alternately in broken English and Norwegian. Sturla understands first that there is no PIN codes to his three credit cards they want. They become more threatening to shoot him in the foot. Sturla is unsure of the code of one of the cards. He fears the consequences of remembering incorrectly, when one of the robbers disappear to clear his accounts. But mostly he thinks of his girlfriend who have long expected him home.

His iPhone rings. It is his girlfriend. Robber turn off the sound, sees her name, and scroll to the picture folder, he will find pictures of her, and says: “Very pretty.”

While Norwegian women get raped, the Norwegian men get robbed in the streets of Oslo. The policeman told the victim that the police only had two police cars on duty that Thursday night. They simply don’t have the capacity to keep the city safe for the inhabitants.

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Secret Video Shows Egyptian Police, Security Staging Attack on Copts

From Christians Under Attack:

22 November 2011

Secret Video Shows Egyptian Police, Security Staging Attack on Copts

(AINA) -- Millions of people world-wide have seen videos of Egyptian Army trucks chasing and crushing Christian protesters under their wheels during the events of the Maspero Massacre on October 9, which claimed the lives of 27 and injured 329 Christians (AINA 10-10-2011).

The ruling military council has denied that military forces used live ammunition against the Maspero protesters, or that personnel intentionally used armored vehicles to run over civilians. After blaming the Copts for using firearms, they later changed their story and put the blame on "unidentified" civilians who infiltrated the demonstrations, targeting both the peaceful protesters and the military police to cause a rift between the military council and the people. In all of its statements the military has cleared the army of any wrong-doings.

Evidence during the Maspero Massacre have now emerged which exposes the military police and state central security of committing other grave abuses against the Copts. "These are war crimes," says Dr. Emad Gad, a scholar at Al-Ahram Centre for Strategic Studies, "and Field Marshal Tantawi is responsible for it. He who issued this order should be prosecuted."

Video evidence has emerged proving that the so-called "unidentified" civilian element, or "thugs" as they are sometimes called and who are increasingly implicated in crimes by the authorities to shift the blame away from themselves, worked together with the military police and central security during the Maspero massacre. Although the assailants in the footage were careful not to be caught on camera, Muslim activist Galal Mohannad was on his way to Maspero when he stumbled on the evidence and secretly taped it on his phone, risking his life in the process. He passed through this road with its inspection points because he is a Muslim. On YouTube he titled it "Bloody Sunday, thugs, police and army…one hand."

Coptic activist Mark Ebeid said that "thugs are either security personnel in civilian clothes, or ex-prisoners on the security and police's list of dangerous criminals and they hire them to kill or do any dirty work for them, or radical Muslims, who are only to eager to oblige the police and satisfy their desire to kill Christians."

Renowned TV commentator Bilal Fadl of the independent Tahrir TV aired this footage of how the thugs were intercepting Copts in the streets and how on orders of the security they even went into the Hilton hotel and dragged Copts out. He also commented on how they were waiting for the Coptic demonstrators to arrive to attack them (video).

Details of another Maspero incident were given in an article written by well-known journalist and TV personality Yosry Foda. The article was titled the "Egyptian Schindler," an analogy of the German businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. According to a Muslim owner of a company based in Maspero at the site of the Coptic massacre, he struggled to walk past the wounded, the dead and the human remains that filled the entrance of the company's building and the narrow corridor leading to the stairs. When he went up to his office, he saw the look of horror among the workers and on the faces of some forty Copts, including a priest, who had sought shelter there. The staff told him of how the military police, armed with machine guns, broke into the company's headquarters in search of Copts. The Christians were hidden in the restrooms. Some Muslim employees in the company gave their ID cards to the Christians to hide their true identity.

The man and his staff spent the first night guarding the Copts who were hidden in the restrooms. From time to time the military police came for a surprise inspection, sometimes alone and sometimes accompanied by people in plain clothes.

The man periodically visited the Copts and provided them with food and drink. They began to formulate a plan to sneak out of the building using the rear entrance, in twos and threes, and a cover story should they be stopped in the street. Some Christians agreed to say they were on their way to early morning prayers at the mosque. This continued for about forty-eight hours, during which the man succeeded in secretly bringing out all Copts safely except the pastor. Despite repeated attempts the pastor refused to change his religious attire.

After describing this incident in his article, Fouda addressed the ruling the Supreme Council of the armed forces: "tell us that members of the military police have lost their nerve amid the chaos and committed a mistake. Tell us, when they ran over their brothers, they did not believe that this is 'halal' [lawful]. Tell us that the heirs of the state security when they looked at the religion on the ID they were deceived, misguided, corrupt. You simply must tell us you made a mistake, this is more honorable for you, us and the whole country."

The military police stormed the Maspero headquarters of the independent News Channel 25 and Al-Hurra TV, which were airing the clashes live and were forced off air (video showing the storming of both stations). The military police told the staff they were looking for Copts, which is evident in this footage.

By Mary Abdelmassih

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Nigeria Militants Kill Children Of Christian Convert, Missionaries Say

From Christians Under Attack:

24 November 2011

NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Militants Kill Children Of Christian Convert, Missionaries Say

ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- A militant group seeking to enforce Sharia, or Islamic law, throughout Nigeria, has shot and killed two children of an ex-terrorist and

"murderer" because he converted to Christianity, well-informed missionaries told BosNewsLife Wednesday, November 23.

Boko Haram, meaning “Western education is a sin”, carried out the killings this month after discovering that a former fellow fighter refused to kill a Christian and instead accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, explained Rae Burnett, Africa Director of the U.S. based Christian Aid Mission (CAM) group.

Burnett told BosNewsLife that the father and Boko Haram militant "was poised to slit the throat of his Christian victim" during November attacks in northern Nigeria that killed at least over 130 Christians, including missionaries, when "he was suddenly struck with the weight of the evil he was about to commit."

Dropping his machete, the man ran to the nearest church, asking a pastor for help, Burnett said.


The pastor referred him to a CAM-supported indigenous ministry, where "native missionaries are reaching remote villages with the message of Christ," she added.

"When the call came, the ministry leader was grieving the loss of several close missionary friends who were murdered in the Yobe State slaughter. He immediately met with the confessed killer and joyfully led him to Christ. He is discipling him in a secret location because of the extreme danger."

Burnett declined to identify the former Muslim militant and missionaries, citing security concerns.

"After meeting the Lord, the converted terrorist [and] murderer called his former colleagues to testify what had happened to him without disclosing where he was," she said.


However, "Upon discovering the man's conversion to Christianity, Boko Haram members invaded his home, kidnapped his two children and informed him that they were going to execute them in retribution for his disloyalty to Islam. Clutching his phone, the man heard the sound of the guns that murdered his children," the CAM official added.

There was no known published comment about the specific attack by Boko Haram, but the reported murders were part of what President leader Goodluck Jonathan called "heinous violence" which began November 4 mainly in and around Damaturu, the capital of Nigeria's northern Yobe state.

Christian missionaries said that during the attacks Muslim "extremists" of Boko Haram also demanded that Christians recite the Islamic creed. Those who refused, were reportedly butchered on the spot.

Additionally, "among the "devastation and destruction left in the wake of Boko Haram's violence were 10 church buildings set aflame while Christians remained trapped inside," added Burnett, who has close knowledge about the situation.

Though "severely traumatized," the former Boko Haram fighter who lost his children "is growing in the knowledge of Christ through the loving care he is receiving from his brothers and sisters in the ministry that is sheltering and training him," she said. "He knows he is called to become a missionary to Nigerian Muslims."


It was not immediately clear whether he would hand himself over to authorities for possible wrongdoing in the past, but Burnett made clear his conversion came as a boost for an "indigenous missionary ministry" which "has been working tirelessly to take the Gospel to Nigeria's unreached Islamic northern states."

Areas where CAM missionaries work are dominated by Muslim Hausa and Fulani tribes, many of whom are reportedly illiterate and remotely located.

"Millions have never even heard that Jesus died [and rose up from the death] for them," Burnett said.

She claimed that despite "the extreme difficulties involved in reaching Muslims with the Gospel" several former Muslims "have made a commitment to follow Christ."

Burnett said several ex-Muslims facing "the danger of persecution or death from the Islamic community and even family members," are brought to "a safe location while they are discipled and trained in the Word of God."


The government of Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, has come under international pressure to improve protection of minority Christians in northern areas.

Nigeria's over 160 million people are divided almost in half between Muslims living mainly in the north and Christians in the south, according to several estimates. President Jonathan has pledged to send extra troops to areas of sectarian friction, but Burnett said he faces an uphill battle.

The Boko Haram's "goal is to force Sharia law throughout Nigeria" targeting "secular education by bombing schools and universities, " the CAM director said. She added that while attacks are often prompted by local issues, they also aim at "anything that is perceived to be foreign influence."

Burnett recalled a recent attack against the U.N. headquarters in Nigeria, which killed 23 people. However even hundreds of Muslims have been killed as "fanatics carry out near daily attacks in the remote northeast of Borno state, where Nigeria borders Cameroon, Niger and Chad," she stressed.

Embassies and hotels have reportedly increased security and are on high alert amid concerns the attacks will increase and further spread in the African nation.

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The Fraud of Islam

From Christians Under Attack:

26 November 2011

The Fraud of Islam

From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago rose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God—the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its

precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people had to embrace Islam—surrender—by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad.

Islam is the most successful fraud in the history of humanity, and it is a great success. Millions of mullahs and imams keep the fraud going, and over a billion and a half of the faithful pay for it. They pay in funds, labor and even life, for the IOUs issued to them by the Islamic organizations that glide through life without breaking a sweat for earning their daily bread. Islam is a fraud and Muslims are the victims.

Muhammad, during his Mecca years, was ridiculed for his confused sayings by his own tribe of Quraish. He was called “shaeron majnoon”—crazed poet.

The death of his first wife and wealthy employer Khadija left Muhammad even more vulnerable to the ridicule and harassment of the Meccans. He fled from Mecca to Medina and in the relative safety of that city with a large tolerant Jewish community, Muhammad found more people willing to join his clique.

Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything by claiming that Allah wanted it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to a dreadful hell. The duty of every good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.

Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robbery and killing. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all.

As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of “Jihad.” Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it is working today.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

Mind Control

As humans, our two legs move us along, but it is our minds that tell us which path to take in life and what to do. As the mind commands so goes the person. Yet, for humans, the mind does not arrive in this world with a set program of instructions. Contrary to many beliefs, we are born neither as demons nor as angels. Within each one of us is a potential for a demon or an angel. Many evolve into a mix of the two, a few fortunate mature into truly angelic and some become personifications of evil. It is the mind’s program that plays the critical role in making us what we are

Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian Behaviorist psychology.

Islam Apologists

And here we are in the 21st century facing the onslaught of the Islamists, jihadist and Islam apologists in our culture and way of life. These are the fruits of the tree of fraud, planted by Muhammad some 1400 years ago.

Self-described doctors of Islamic religion universally practice sugarcoating the fraud of Islam. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. The masses toe the line, support the clergy’s lavish parasitic lifestyle and the charade continues. It works like a charm. Use the Jihad of the sword when it can and use the “Soft Jihad” until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job. And don’t forget, the end justifies any and all means, Islam apologists keep on preaching to the hordes.

Islam apologists never present the naked face of Islam. They never speak of the Islam that thrives on hate, throws acid in the face of women who fail to don the hijab or girls going to school; flogging people for sporting non-Islamic haircuts, stoning to death, violators of sexual norms and other forms of Islamic brutalities such as Honor Killing. They never talk about institutionalized pedophilia in Islam.

The prophet Muhammad “married” a six-year old child and consummated the marriage when Ayesha was only nine, when he himself was pushing sixty. When apologists are confronted with this repulsive behavior of the founder of their “perfect religion,” a few exercise the defense mechanism of denial and say it did not happen, dismissing their own most trusted historical record. Some say that it wasn’t exactly marriage. It was a politically expedient act, an act of the perfect emissary of Allah. Then we have numerous instances of the same child molestation happening in the Islamic world ever since the example set by Muhammad. It is a kind of marriage of pre-pubescent girls to older men. It was not long ago, Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa proclaiming that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”

Adding insult to injury, Islam has powerful and unwitting allies in the masses of good-hearted gullible Americans who bend over backwards to protect the long cherished principle of religious freedom. And it is this magnificent provision of our society that made Hillary Clinton, for example, reissue a visa to the likes of Tariq Ramadan who come to exploit the benign provisions of a benevolent system for establishing Islamic enslavement.

Political Islam

Islam is political to the core. In Islam the mosque and State are one and the same—the mosque is the State. This arrangement goes back to the days of Muhammad himself. Islam is also radical in the extreme. Even the “moderate” Islam is radical in its beliefs as well as its deeds. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well deserve being maltreated compared to believers.

A true Muslim does not and cannot believe in liberty. Everything is up to Allah, so says Mohammad. Everything that a Muslim does is contingent upon the will and decree of Allah. It is for this reason that the phrase Enshallah (Allah willing) always accompanies any promise or commitment that a believer makes. By embracing Muhammad as the unerring and eternal emissary of Allah, a Muslim surrenders his liberty to decide for himself.

Muslims and Liberty

A Muslim’s surrender of liberty is not merely a matter of personal choice. Muslims abandon their most precious rights and are out to make all non-Muslims also do so, by hook or crook. It is said that misery loves company. And the type of misery that the fraud of Islam has visited on Muslims and the Islamic lands is a rapidly spreading plague that must be resisted by all who cherish their God-given liberty.

In spite of massive propaganda by Islamic organizations, more and more people are beginning to recognize Islam for what it is: A Fraud.

I challenge all cultural Muslims or any other kind of Muslim who is not a jihadist, to courageously do what is right, and take that fateful step; inhale the life—nurturing fragrance of freedom, abandon the fraud of Islam altogether and enlist in the ranks of the free where all members of the human tribe can live in peace and harmony.

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Punjab, Catholic activist murdered by Muslim Mafia

From Christians Under Attack:

24 November 2011

Punjab, Catholic activist murdered by Muslim Mafia

Akram Masih, married and father of four children, was killed last night by an armed commando close to Muslim landowners. For years the man was the target of threats, for his strenuous battle to defend the rights of minorities. Local Priest: Muslims landowners "steal" Christian property with the support of authorities.

Islamabad (AsiaNews) - A group of men linked to the land mafia, led by Nadeem Ashraf, has murdered Akram Masih, a Pakistani activist, a married father of four children, in Khurda Renala, Okara district in Punjab province. According to preliminary reports the crime took place around 10.30 last night. Local church sources report that the man was a devout Catholic, committed to social problems, who fought with dedication and passion for the rights of religious minorities in the area. Among the many battles waged, Akram Masih had recently launched a campaign against the rich landowners who arbitrarily confiscate the land of Christian peasants.

Last year alone he, together with some members of the Catholic Church had "saved" two Christian schools on the verge of being seized by landlords with the backing of local authorities. From that moment Masih continued to receive constant death threats culminating in yesterday evening’s assasination. Fr. John Joseph, a priest at Renala Khurda, confirms that "for months" Muslim landowners have been trying to steal land from Christians, with the support of the authorities. " Akram Masih added that the priest "has always courageously opposed this" and never allowed them to "carry out their evil plans." The area included in the Okara district is famous for its fertile soils, where potatoes, tomatoes and rice are grown. Three weeks ago Masih bought a small plot of land, , which the local mafia has been trying to expropriate. Personal threats again ensued and a complaint to the police proved useless, as the officers did not even launch an investigation.

Speaking to AsiaNews Fr Shahbaz Aziz, from Okara district, said last night "around 10.30 several gunshots were heard " and "at 11 Akram Masih was found dead " near the place where he lived with his family. The priest adds that "Nadeem Ashraf is the strong man of the area" and "head of the local land mafia " with his brothers he "has repeatedly threatened Masih" leading to the death of the Christian activist. Fr. Aziza states that "the body shows signs of torture," but the police - even if forced to open a file – have shown no special interest or effort in finding the killers.

In 2003, Fr. George Abraham was killed in similar circumstances in the area. He was also an activist for minority rights and a staunch defender of their property, under threat of confiscation by the rich landowners Muslims. "Christians in the region - said Father Shahbaz Aziz - are humiliated, and cases of persecution are common. How many lives will still be broken, before the Punjab government intervenes? ". And how much blood, he asks, "will still have to be spilled?".

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U.K.: Lebanese Christian worker at Heathrow files suit after being harassed by Muslim co-workers, fired over their accusations

From Jihad Watch:

U.K.: Lebanese Christian worker at Heathrow files suit after being harassed by Muslim co-workers, fired over their accusations

"It comes amid growing concern among some Christians that their faith is being marginalised."

"She said that she was the subject of a complaint by an Islamic colleague which was specious and that when she raised her own concerns as a Christian, she was the one who was dismissed."

"The law seems to be on the side of the Muslims."

Those who are actively chasing Christianity out of British society on the pretense of promoting "tolerance" will not like what they get to tolerate when the vacuum they are creating is filled: The high priests of "tolerance" have exempted Christianity from toleration, and selective, approved "tolerance" will rule the future, whether in Sharia zones, or under the multiculturalist dogma to which Britain's political establishment has submitted.

In this case, it appears Muslim workers were allowed to engage in highly aggressive dawah, or proselytizing, in the workplace without restraint, and others were expected not to react or object. "Christian worker loses her job after being 'targeted' by Islamic extremists," by Jonathan Wynne-Jones for the Telegraph, November 27 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Nohad Halawi, who worked at Heathrow Airport, is suing her former employers for unfair dismissal, claiming that she and other Christian staff at the airport were victims of systematic harassment because of their religion.

She claims that she was told that she would go to Hell for her religion, that Jews were responsible for the September 11th terror attacks, and that a friend was reduced to tears having been bullied for wearing a cross.

Mrs Halawi, who came to Britain from Lebanon in 1977, worked in the duty-free section as a perfume saleswoman of the airport for 13 years but was dismissed in July.

Her case is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, who say it raises important legal issues and also questions over whether Muslims and Christians are treated differently by employers.

It comes amid growing concern among some Christians that their faith is being marginalised and follows calls from Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, for Christians to be given greater legal protection in the wake of a series of cases where they have been disciplined or dismissed for practising their faith.

It also raises further questions over race relations at Heathrow Airport.

Last week, Arieh Zucker, a Jewish businessman, complained that he has been repeatedly singled out for full-body scans by Muslim security staff at the airport.

The 41-year-old mortgage broker from London has accused them of "race hate" and is threatening to sue for racial discrimination after being made to "feel like a criminal" while being scanned.

Mrs Halawi's case centres on whether she was treated unfairly when she lost her job in World Duty Free in Terminal 3 after she spoke out over what she described as bullying and intimidation by her Muslim colleagues of her and other Christians.

She said that she was the subject of a complaint by an Islamic colleague which was specious and that when she raised her own concerns as a Christian, she was the one who was dismissed.

Now she is distraught at losing her job on allegations made by what she describes as a small group of "extremist" Muslims.

Mrs Halawi, 47, said: "I have been sacked on the basis of unsubstantiated complaints so there is now great fear amongst my former colleagues that the same could happen to them if one of the Muslims turns on them.

"This is supposed to be a Christian country, but the law seems to be on the side of the Muslims."

A mother of two, she says that she had always got on well with her Muslim colleagues and relations between staff of different faiths had been good in the past, but that the atmosphere became increasingly uncomfortable with a growing number of employees espousing "fundamentalist Islam".

She says they harassed Christians at work by making fun of them for wearing crosses, ridiculing Jesus and telling them they would go to Hell if they did not convert to Islam.

"One man brought in the Koran to work and insisted I read it and another brought in Islamic leaflets and handed them out to other employees," she said.

"They said that 9/11 served the Americans right and that they hated the West, but that they had come here because they want to convert people to Islam.

"They say that Jesus is s***** [shitty] and bullied a Christian friend of mine so much for wearing her crosses that she came to me crying."

Mrs Halawi says she was targeted by the fundamentalists after she stood up for her friend, who is 62 and who she is keeping anonymous because she still works at the terminal.

In May, five of her Muslim colleagues complained to David Tunnicliffe, the trading manager at World Duty Free, accusing her of being anti-Islamic following a heated conversation in the store.

The row had stemmed from her description of a Muslim colleague as an allawhi, which means 'man of God' in Arabic. Another Muslim overheard this and thought she said Alawi, which was his branch of Islam.

Following the complaints she was suspended immediately, but was not told the grounds for her suspension until she met Mr Tunnicliffe in July.

Two days after the meeting she received a letter, which said the "store approval" - the Heathrow security pass - needed to work at World Duty Free was being removed because her behaviour was deemed to be unacceptable.

"I believe that the breakdown in relationship between yourself and some of your colleagues has contributed to this situation and has led to a number of inappropriate conversations taking place," the letter said.

"Whilst I do not believe that you may have meant to be offensive, I believe that it was not unreasonable for the individuals who either heard these comments, or who they were directed at to find them offensive, and they are extremely inappropriate."...

It's easier to sack the Christian than to deal with the broader hostile work environment.

Posted by Marisol on November 27, 2011 7:49 AM

'Moderate, modern' Malaysia update: Hindu temple assaulted, destroyed by sledgehammer-wielding police

From Jihad Watch:

'Moderate, modern' Malaysia update: Hindu temple assaulted, destroyed by sledgehammer-wielding police

Longtime readers of Jihad Watch will be familiar with Malaysia's lengthy and ignominious history of demolishing non Muslim houses of worship (see here and here) under a whole gamut of spurious pretexts.

In this latest incident, note the highly personal manner in which this particular temple was destroyed -- Malaysian police officers (who were almost certainly Muslim) attacked this particular temple with sledgehammers and personally smashed statues of Hindu deities. The violence and destruction does not make sense unless one acknowledges the Malaysian government's (not-so-well) hidden agenda of Islamic supremacy.

Imagine the outcry that would result if a Western or non Muslim country demolished a Muslim house of worship. The professional international 'human rights' community and the Western media machine would be in an immediate uproar, and would demand answers for this sort of gross violation of human rights, decency, etc. But as this was yet another Hindu temple deliberately destroyed by a Muslim-controlled government, those voices will be silent.

From "HRP decries ‘ruthless’ razing of temple", by B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today, 25 November 2011:

SHAH ALAM: The Human Rights Party (HRP) has denounced yesterday’s demolishment of a Hindu temple in Glenmarie and demanded from the Selangor government an acre of land for a new temple.

S Thiagarajan, a pro-tem central executive committee member of the party, said Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim must take “full responsibility” for the violation of the Sri Muneswarar Temple by the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) and make amends by granting the acre of land.

He said he learned of the destruction when a local resident telephoned him while it was going on. The caller told him 30 police and MBSA officers were using sledgehammers to carry out the demolition.

“A Malay haji sprinkled something around the shrine and then some 10 uniformed enforcement officers started the ruthless act,” he told FMT.

He added that six Hindu deities were smashed into pieces.

“The Hindu devotees there could not stop the bloodletting; they were blocked by policemen,” he said.

“This is a clear cut case of the city council violating Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, and Article 8, which provides of equality before the law and equal protection before the law.

“We demand that the state government allocate one acre of land to the temple committee to build a new temple.”

He also said the state should grant permanent land titles for all Hindu temples in Selangor so that “such flagrant acts of transgression” would not recur.

But will such flagrant acts recur? Malaysia's track record speaks for itself.

Posted by The Anti-Jihadist on November 28, 2011 12:01 AM

Pakistani Hindu: "Sexual assault, forced conversion, abduction and humiliation is all this country has given us"

from Jihad Watch:

Pakistani Hindu: "Sexual assault, forced conversion, abduction and humiliation is all this country has given us"

Pakistani authorities turn a blind eye to the plight of religious minorities now, but the same people who torment minorities in the name of Islamic piety will knock on the door in Islamabad when they are strong enough. Then it will be a crisis. "Scarred and scared, these Pakistani Hindus seek refuge in India," from Indo-Asian News Service, November 27 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Sitting hunched with his face cupped in his hands, 42-year-old Shobhamal dreads going back to Pakistan's Sindh province where he has earned the status of a pariah and ''bore the brunt of being a non-Muslim''.

A group of 146 Pakistani Hindus took refuge at capital's Majnu ka Tilla Sep 8 after crossing the Attari border Sep 4.

"I don't fear for my life but for my family. I decided to come here as there is no place for Hindus in Pakistan. Sexual assault, forced conversion, abduction and humiliation is all this country (Pakistan) has given us," Shobhamal told IANS.

Shobhamal's 18-year-old son died of cancer here earlier this month.

With their tourist visas expired some two months ago, these people from Bagidi community are reluctant to go back to Sindh where, they say, there is no security of their life and property.

Hindus form around seven percent of the total population of Sindh province.

"We don't want to go back. We are outcast there. We appeal to the government that please just give us refuge and we don't want any citizenship," rues 45-year-old Ganga Ram.

Gang Ram has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, requesting extension of their visas and shelter.

They are currently living in 12 tents and share one dilapidated toilet -- but say they don't have much complaints.

"We are happy here. Though life is tough here, it's not an ordeal what it used be in Pakistan. There, you bear the brunt of being non-Muslims," said Sagar, a mechanic, who was robbed of all his tools with which he used to make his ends meet.

"They force us to convert to Islam and threaten of dire consequences. They abduct our children and loot our property. If we complain, nobody listens. There, even the prime minister is not safe, let alone Hindus," says Mithalal, who is in his 50s.

When this IANS correspondent tried to speak to the women in the community, a sense of reluctance took over. However, a few narrated their ordeal, after much convincing.

"When our husbands are away for work, we keep our doors locked and live in constant fear. We are not allowed to wear vermillion on our foreheads," said Rukmini.

"We don't eat our food until our children come back as you never know they might be kidnapped or circumcised," said a woman, refusing to reveal her identity.

Posted by Marisol on November 28, 2011 12:02 AM

U.S. State Dept. on jailed Afghan rape victim: "We expect Afghan prosecutors to properly apply the law while also upholding Gulnaz's rights"

From Jihad Watch:

U.S. State Dept. on jailed Afghan rape victim: "We expect Afghan prosecutors to properly apply the law while also upholding Gulnaz's rights"

Here is the problem: even at face value, the statement is vague and non-committal, but while those words would mean one thing in the American legal system, they mean quite another in Afghanistan. Officials surely believed they were properly applying the law and upholding Gulnaz' "rights." The question becomes: whose law is being applied? Sharia is enshrined as the highest law of the land in Afghanistan according to the current constitution.

Women like Gulnaz who make allegations of rape may be expected to produce four witnesses in accordance with the Qur'an's standards for proving a sexual crime (24:13), or they run the risk that all they have done is admitted to having sex.

The ridiculous burden of proof for establishing the crime of rape is a major reason why Gulnaz and so many others like her are in jail. Indeed, half of the women in Afghan jails are there for "moral crimes." Communities in Afghanistan are enforcing Sharia, and Kabul will not contradict them.

An update on this story. "Nearly 5,000 sign petition calling for release of Afghan rape victim," by Nick Paton Walsh for CNN, November 27:

Kabul (CNN) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai received a petition Sunday with nearly 5,000 names endorsing a plea for the immediate release of a rape victim who has been jailed because of her attack and is being forced to marry her rapist.

Kim Motley, a lawyer for 21-year-old Gulnaz, said the palace received the petition, which gathered 4,751 names in just over 48 hours, on Sunday afternoon. The petition comes with an official plea for clemency addressed to the president, who has the power to immediately pardon Gulnaz, currently in jail for adultery because her attacker was married at the time of the attack.

Gulnaz was sentenced to 12 years after the attack as her rapist was married though that term was recently reduced to three years.

Gulnaz's plight gained international attention when the European Union blocked the broadcast of a documentary made about her ordeal saying that it would further jeopardize her safety.

Gulnaz was raped two years ago by her cousin's husband but did not immediately report the attack, fearing reprisals from elements of Afghanistan's conservative society. Yet she conceived a child from the rape, and went to police after showing signs of pregnancy.

She is now raising the daughter in jail and has agreed to marry her attacker in order to be released and legitimize her daughter. She also fears attack from her rapist's relatives, something he denies is a risk.

A spokesman for the attorney general, Rahmatullah Naziri, told CNN last week that her sentence had been reduced to three years, leaving about a year to serve. He explained that while the original sentence for adultery was reduced, she had failed to report her rape quickly enough and would have to serve further time in jail for that offense.

No trial, apparently; just another alleged crime and more prison time tacked on.

The U.S. State Department, while not explicitly calling for Gulnaz's release, said in a statement Thursday: "Gulnaz's situation is one no woman should have to face. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Gulnaz and her young daughter. We expect Afghan prosecutors to properly apply the law while also upholding Gulnaz's rights."

Posted by Marisol on November 28, 2011 12:06 AM

Nigeria: Four dead, eight churches burned in latest round of attacks in northeast

From Jihad Watch:

Nigeria: Four dead, eight churches burned in latest round of attacks in northeast

These attacks appear to be a continuation of an earlier rampage by Boko Haram in Nigeria's Yobe state. An update on this story. "4 dead, churches burned in north Nigeria attack," from the Associated Press, November 27:

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Witnesses and authorities say at least four people died in an apparent attack on a northeast Nigeria city that saw churches and businesses burned to the ground.

It's probably safe to assume it was an attack.

The attack happened Saturday night in the city of Geidam in Nigeria's Yobe state, which sits near the country's arid border with Niger.

Jihad causes poverty:

Witnesses say attackers blew up a local police station and attacked a bank, as well as set fire to businesses and at least eight churches.

The attacks come after a Nov. 4 attack in the state capital claimed by the radical Muslim sect known as Boko Haram that killed more than 100 people.

Meanwhile, police blamed the sect for two killings Sunday morning in neighboring Borno state.

Posted by Marisol on November 28, 2011 12:14 AM

Belgian ‘Honor Killing’ Trial Places Entire Family on Dock

From Europe News:

Belgian ‘Honor Killing’ Trial Places Entire Family on Dock

International Business Times 28 November 2011

By Palash R. Ghosh

In what is believed to be the first ‘honor killing’ trial in Belgian history, an entire family has been charged with the death of a 20-year-old law student of Pakistani origin. Sadia Sheikh was shot and killed in late October 2007, allegedly by her elder brother Mudusar in retaliation for her living with a Belgian man and refusing to accept an arranged marriage.

Mudusar, his parents -- father Tarik Mahmood Sheikh, 61, mother Zahida Parveen Sariya, 59, -- and another sister Sariya, 22, are facing charges related to the murder in a court in the Belgian city of Mons, about 42 miles southwest of Brussels.

The four are looking at a possible sentence of life in prison should they be convicted by a jury of five women and seven men.

The trial is expected to last up to four weeks.

The killing occurred when Sadia decided to return home in order to patch things up with her family. (...)

Posted November 28th, 2011 by pk

Shocker: San Fran-area Muslim Community Association's "authentic" books on Islam preach brutality, intolerance, and jihad warfare

From Jihad Watch:

Shocker: San Fran-area Muslim Community Association's "authentic" books on Islam preach brutality, intolerance, and jihad warfare

You might think Islam in the Silicon Valley would be extra progressive and tolerant. In this prominent case of "one of the largest Muslim communities in the US," you'd think wrong.

Remember how often our comment-box apologists tell us they've never heard of the books discussed below, or that we're cherry-picking one or two titles to tar Islam with one broad brush. Is the MCA cherry-picking titles to give Islam a bad name? "Silicon Valley Sharia," by Kamala at WetPaint, December 27:

Apple. Google. Facebook. Sharia?

Silicon Valley has become synonymous with modernity and innovation.

And naively, one might expect Islam in Silicon Valley to share the same traits: an advanced, forward-thinking interpretation.

Presumably, the Muslim Community Association (MCA) of the San Francisco Bay Area would serve as the stewards of such a perspective. Billing itself as "one of the largest Muslim communities in the US," the MCA proudly proclaims that its members are "well-educated, well-traveled, and earn higher than average incomes in the San Francisco Bay Area." Even the mayor of Cupertino (Apple's hometown) recently visited an MCA Open House.

Yet the MCA's own web site makes it clear that Silicon Valley Islam is anything but innovative. Their online bookstore, which features a small but revealing set of "authentic" books about Islam, yields an interpretation of Islam that is draconian and unbending: an Islam dedicated to bringing Sharia to the world.

One book, Man-Made Laws vs. Shari'ah, by Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Salih al-Mahmood, makes the case that Sharia is the only acceptable set of laws for mankind, arguing that anyone that believes otherwise is a disbeliever.

Muslim apologists repeatedly tell non-Muslim audiences that Sharia is full of vague benefits, such as drivel about "the protection of human dignity," or the aim to "develop and sustain a moral and just society." Sharia supposedly "aims toward ideals of justice, fairness, and the good life." It's a "myth" that "The Shariah is repressive and against American values." It's "simply a set of rulings by which Muslims choose to draw closer to God."

There's not enough boldface font in the world for the next two paragraphs:

These apologists never seem able to reference any actual documentation of the specific rules and details of Sharia. They cite Sharia's "tremendous diversity." According to liar Reza Aslan, Sharia is "understood in thousands of different ways." He's even so bold as to claim that "there's really no such thing as just Sharia." A US State Department spokeswoman, when asked about the steady march toward Sharia in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, responded that Sharia "has a broad application and is understood differently in different places and by different commentators.”

Sharia, you see, is so amorphous, so varied, so nuanced that it's just too difficult a task to even write it down.

Indeed. The moment a concerned non-Muslim notices an unpleasant tenet of Sharia, Sharia becomes a shapeless jellyfish, impossible to be grasped, where no one can say. Really, how that is supposed to be reassuring does not make sense either: if we don't know what we're getting, why blindly accept an (allegedly) unknown quantity?

Yet somehow, the MCA has no problem helping its members learn all about the specifics of Sharia

Their online bookstore promotes precisely two books on Sharia. Each is filled with over 1000 pages of detailed rules and laws. Both books are written in clear, simple English, both translated from Arabic by Muslims. Both books take pride in their attention to accuracy, consistently citing the Qur'an and other authentic Islamic sources. And despite apologists' talk of diversity and justice for all, both books lay out a remarkably consistent, matter-of-fact – and ruthless – definition of Sharia.

The books are:

- Minhaj Al-Muslim, by Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza'iry, and

- Reliance of the Traveller, by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri

Reliance of the Traveller, though it sounds like a country album or bluegrass standard, is actually certified by none other than Al-Azhar University as a reliable guide to the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. There sure is a lot of "misunderstanding" of Islam going on in high places.

As will be covered in detail here, both books agree on the following, non-negotiable rules:

- jihad as obligatory, perpetual warfare against non-Muslims until they convert, die, or submit to second-class status under Islam

- death for homosexuals

- death for those who leave Islam – where even mocking Islam constitutes apostasy

Read it all. The scans of the texts themselves are particularly valuable.

Posted by Marisol on December 30, 2011 7:34 AM