Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If Islam Teaches Peace, Then Its Students Are Flunking

From Jihad Watch:

"If Islam teaches peace, its students are flunking"

National Post readers demonstrate that they're not fooled by a fresh steaming pile of Religion-Of-Peace™ Clearing Up Your Misconceptions About Islam material that the paper recently published: "Today's Letters: If Islam teaches peace, its students keep flunking," by Matt Gurney in the National Post, October 19 (thanks to the incomparable Kathy Shaidle):

Re: Islam Wants Peace, letter to the editor, Oct. 18.

Tahira Saliha's disingenuous letter portraying Islam as peace-loving requires response.

She surely knows that even in the most tolerant Islamic societies throughout history, Jews were systematically relegated to dhimma status, a form of second-class citizenship.

In the more "average" Muslim countries, the predicament of Jews especially in the last 50 years was far worse. They were arrested, endlessly persecuted, murdered and ultimately expelled from their host countries.

The situation now is that there are almost no Jews living in any Muslim state and some of these "peace-loving" countries will not even allow a Jew to stand on its soil.

So instead of indulging us in religious platitudes from the Koran, she should examine the current situation in practically all Islamic states, and ask herself where is this so-called "respect (of) people of all faiths" that Islam supposedly teaches.

By the way, I would appreciate if Ms. Saliha would let me know when I, as an ordinary Jew, would have the "right" to visit Saudi Arabia in the same way that she can go to Israel or the Vatican.

Yitzchok Dukesz, Thornhill, Ont.

If, as letter writer Tahira Saliha claims, Islam teaches peace, why do so many of its students flunk?

And after 14 centuries, why haven't its adherents noticed?

Josh Korn, Ottawa.

It is good that Muslim letter-writer Tahira Saliha wants to live peacefully with Jews and people of other faiths. But that is not the case with Islam, which is currently a totalitarian religio-political movement that, since its founding 1,400 years ago, has endeavoured to extend the shariah rule of Dar-al-Islam (the abode of Islam) by jihad over the rest of the world, designated as Dar-al-Harb (the abode of War).

The "peace" that "Islam teaches" is that of submission to the shariah rules that discriminate against non-Muslims, and control Muslims by draconian punishments for blasphemy and apostasy.

If Muslims are required to respect all faiths, why are Muslims who choose to leave Islam and join another faith subjected to capital punishment? Why are other faiths repressed instead of respected in Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan? How can Islam be considered a religion of peace if it includes the shariah injunctions for political jihad?

Jiti Khanna, Vancouver.

I must disagree with letter-writer's Tahira Saliha's position that Islam wants peace. Where is the evidence to back up such a statement? I see only evidence to the contrary. Nor am I swayed by references to the respect Muslims have for Biblical prophets, such as Moses. Which living Jew do they respect?

It is an accepted principle in Islam that a Muslim may lie "for the cause of Allah." So how do I know when one is speaking truth? I respect many Muslims like Tarek Fatah and ones I know personally, who disavow terrorism and violence, but it is hard to separate the friends from the would-be foes. The letter by Saliha provided no help.

Charles Pedley, Fonthill, Ont.

Posted by Robert on October 19, 2010 7:05 AM

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