Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The little White House Lie: Thomas Jefferson Hosted "Iftar" Celebration

From Creeping Sharia:

The little White House lie: Thomas Jefferson hosted “iftar”

Posted on March 9, 2011 by creeping

Ok, a big lie. There is so much Islamic propaganda coming out of the White House it’s hard to keep up. But this is the second time we’ve heard this little White House lie so we had to post it. via Warner Todd Huston’s Denial: Obama Nat’l Sec. Advisor Says ‘Many Different Faiths’ Turn to Terrorism : Stop The ACLU.

Speaking of garbling facts, McDonough also began his address with a lie that Obama himself has in the past perpetrated on America. In his very first paragraph, McDonough said the following:

I know that President Obama was very grateful that you led the prayer at last summer’s Iftar dinner at the White House—which, as the President noted, is a tradition stretching back more than two centuries to when Thomas Jefferson hosted the first Iftar at the White House.

It is simply untrue to claim that Thomas Jefferson held the first Iftar dinner in the White House. It is true that in 1805 President Jefferson hosted a late night dinner with a visiting Muslim official from Tunis, a dinner that came at the end of Ramadan. But there is simply no historical evidence that Jefferson imagined himself holding any Iftar dinner or that the visiting Muslim official even told Jefferson what an Iftar dinner was. It is spin of the highest order to claim that Jefferson “held” an Iftar dinner when there is no proof that he intended to do so.

McDonough and Obama both show that they are dangerously uneducated in the dangers of radical Islam. This speech certainly proves that Obama and his minions simply don’t get it. They don’t get it at all.

They get it. All too well. As noted previously, Jefferson had first hand experience with Islamic jihad, via “From the mouth of our cannon”: brief history of Bainbridge & Muslim piracy:

Like today, the leaders of America in the late 1700’s tried to settle the piracy issue through diplomacy. As such, two American diplomats, Thomas Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and John Adams, the American ambassador to Britain, were dispatched to London in 1786 in an attempt to resolve the piracy issue. They met with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the “Dey of Algiers” ambassador to Britain. It was during that meeting in London when Jefferson asked the Muslim ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation they had virtually no contact with at that time.

The answer is as relevant today as it was in 1786 – perhaps even more so. Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja stated:

“Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Muslim who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Don’t expect Obama, McDonough, Ellison or anyone else to fess up to history

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