From Atlas Shrugs;
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Jew-Hatred Sprayed Across Jewish Neighborhood in Brooklyn: "Die Jews" Scrawled on homes; Swastikas on an apartment building

This is hate. It's an epidemic. And it's happening daily across the country. The media ignores it while hand-wringing over non-existent "anti-Muslim hate crime." Their complicity in feeding the fires of antisemitism is stomach churning. These calls for "die Jews" are constant, and the media weeps for jihadists.
Just hours ago, "Asians" (that's what the NY Daily News is calling the perps -- sounds like Fleet Street) tagged a very Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood with Jew-hating graffiti, targeting homes, an apartment building and a yeshiva, police sources said today. The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the Brooklyn swastika-painting spree, law-enforcement authorities said.
The Nazi symbols were found in multiple spots along with the vile message “Die Jews.”
“People are very concerned in light of the fact that [such anti-Semitic acts are] almost a daily occurrence,” said state Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn). “This is the heart of the Jewish community.”
Cops received a call at 10:45 p.m. Saturday about an Avenue L home whose garage door had been painted with a large swastika, two smaller ones and the words “Die Jews.” More graffiti was found on the front door of a home across the street, sources said.
Police also found several swastikas painted on the stairs and front door of an East 5th Street apartment building and on the basement stairs of an Ocean Parkway yeshiva.
“It’s almost a constant refrain of hate,” Hikind lamented
Midwood has been repeatedly targeted by anti-Semitic creeps, with an Avenue J subway station sign being vandalized in November to read “Avenue Jew.” A week earlier, several cars were torched and spray-painted with “KKK” and “F--- the Jews,” though police last week said the ugly attacks may have been part of an insurance scam, the NY post reported.
Cops hunting vandals who painted swastikas, anti-Semitic graffiti on Brooklyn buildings
The words 'Die Jews' were scrawled on a garage; swastikas on an apartment building door on E. 5th St. in Midwood NY Daily News
Cops are looking for the vandals who spray-painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic messages on Brooklyn buildings this weekend.
A large black swastika and two smaller ones were painted next to the words, “Die Jews,” on a garage door at a home on E. 5th St. in Midwood.
“We are very afraid,” said the home’s shaken owner, Sharon Miltz, 56. “We don't know why this is happening.”
Two more swastikas were painted on a door of an apartment building across the street.
The vandalism occurred not far from the home of Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Borough Park), who gathered with concerned neighbors Sunday morning.
“This is just the latest in a series of ongoing anti-Semitic occurrences in Brooklyn and throughout New York City,” Hikind said in a statement. “People are justifiably very concerned and upset.”
There has been a rash of the hateful graffiti in Manhattan and Brooklyn in recent months. Last week four swastikas were found scrawled on storefronts in midtown Manhattan.
Police released video last week of four suspects, described as two Asian men and two Asian women, being sought in connection with the midtown incident
Read the rest at NY Daily News
Asian? Asian as in Asian or Asian as in the euphemism for Muslim?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 11:15 PM in Jew Hatred
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Jew-Hatred Sprayed Across Jewish Neighborhood in Brooklyn: "Die Jews" Scrawled on homes; Swastikas on an apartment building
This is hate. It's an epidemic. And it's happening daily across the country. The media ignores it while hand-wringing over non-existent "anti-Muslim hate crime." Their complicity in feeding the fires of antisemitism is stomach churning. These calls for "die Jews" are constant, and the media weeps for jihadists.
Just hours ago, "Asians" (that's what the NY Daily News is calling the perps -- sounds like Fleet Street) tagged a very Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood with Jew-hating graffiti, targeting homes, an apartment building and a yeshiva, police sources said today. The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the Brooklyn swastika-painting spree, law-enforcement authorities said.
The Nazi symbols were found in multiple spots along with the vile message “Die Jews.”
“People are very concerned in light of the fact that [such anti-Semitic acts are] almost a daily occurrence,” said state Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn). “This is the heart of the Jewish community.”
Cops received a call at 10:45 p.m. Saturday about an Avenue L home whose garage door had been painted with a large swastika, two smaller ones and the words “Die Jews.” More graffiti was found on the front door of a home across the street, sources said.
Police also found several swastikas painted on the stairs and front door of an East 5th Street apartment building and on the basement stairs of an Ocean Parkway yeshiva.
“It’s almost a constant refrain of hate,” Hikind lamented
Midwood has been repeatedly targeted by anti-Semitic creeps, with an Avenue J subway station sign being vandalized in November to read “Avenue Jew.” A week earlier, several cars were torched and spray-painted with “KKK” and “F--- the Jews,” though police last week said the ugly attacks may have been part of an insurance scam, the NY post reported.
Cops hunting vandals who painted swastikas, anti-Semitic graffiti on Brooklyn buildings
The words 'Die Jews' were scrawled on a garage; swastikas on an apartment building door on E. 5th St. in Midwood NY Daily News
Cops are looking for the vandals who spray-painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic messages on Brooklyn buildings this weekend.
A large black swastika and two smaller ones were painted next to the words, “Die Jews,” on a garage door at a home on E. 5th St. in Midwood.
“We are very afraid,” said the home’s shaken owner, Sharon Miltz, 56. “We don't know why this is happening.”
Two more swastikas were painted on a door of an apartment building across the street.
The vandalism occurred not far from the home of Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Borough Park), who gathered with concerned neighbors Sunday morning.
“This is just the latest in a series of ongoing anti-Semitic occurrences in Brooklyn and throughout New York City,” Hikind said in a statement. “People are justifiably very concerned and upset.”
There has been a rash of the hateful graffiti in Manhattan and Brooklyn in recent months. Last week four swastikas were found scrawled on storefronts in midtown Manhattan.
Police released video last week of four suspects, described as two Asian men and two Asian women, being sought in connection with the midtown incident
Read the rest at NY Daily News
Asian? Asian as in Asian or Asian as in the euphemism for Muslim?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 11:15 PM in Jew Hatred
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