Monday, January 9, 2012

Muslims Against Crusades banned by Theresa May

from Europe News:

Muslims Against Crusades banned by Theresa May

BBC News 14 November 2011

By Dominic Casciani

The home secretary is banning Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), a group that planned an anti-Armistice Day protest. It had wanted to repeat a demonstration held last year, when it burned poppies near London's Albert Hall.

Theresa May's order will make membership or support of MAC a criminal offence. It is closely linked to seven other previously-banned groups.

The organisation, now dissolved, said "the call for Islam will never be silenced by any ban or proscription".

Mrs May said she was satisfied that Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) was "simply another name for an organisation already proscribed under a number of names".

"The organisation was proscribed in 2006 for glorifying terrorism and we are clear it should not be able to continue these activities by simply changing its name," she said.

Muslims Against Crusades is the latest incarnation of an organisation originally set up by extremist preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, who fled the UK six years ago.

Its previous versions are all proscribed groups. Most recently, it has been involved in potential stand-offs with the English Defence League and it also demonstrated outside the US Embassy on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Anjem Choudary, the leading public figure in the organisation, accused the government of attempting to cover up the truth - but hours later the group declared that it was "hearby dissolved". (...)

Posted November 14th, 2011 by pk

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