from The American Thinker:
July 12, 2010
Liberal Racism
By Robin of Berkeley
The Berkeley/Oakland area was on high alert last week...but not because of a natural disaster, like an earthquake.
A jury was deciding the fate of a white police officer charged with killing a black male at a BART station. People all around town began preparing for riots, certain that if the verdict was "not guilty," the streets would erupt with violence.
The police officer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, a lesser charge than many hoped for, but still a prison sentence of years. The first night after the verdict, 83 people were arrested, which, as riots go, is pretty tame. Looters, however, made out like bandits.
In a sense, a bullet was dodged, but there has already been a huge cost. All week, employers were developing strategies for if there were mayhem. Public events were canceled.
What no one is doing is this: stating emphatically that riots are inexcusable, no matter what the verdict.
In fact, the opposite is occurring. The brainwashed masses are making excuses.
This is not the first time that riots have occurred relative to this incident. Mobs have already broken windows, looted stores, beat people up, and destroyed cars. The attitude then, as well as now, is that "we" have a right to riot.
Why? Why do certain groups have a right to riot? And why do others make excuses when livelihoods are ruined, millions of dollars are wasted, and innocents are hurt?
My opinion? Liberal racism.
A colleague said this to me the other day. "That police officer should be found guilty. But if he's not, they have every a right to riot."
She was simply expressing the typical liberal view. But let's pick this apart.
If thousands of Jews or Chinese or white males looted stores and burned cars, would the public be so tolerant? I don't think so. Are we really talking tolerance here, or something else entirely -- a colonialist, superior attitude?
Put bluntly, when liberals say that "they" have a right to riot, what's the implication here? Is it that blacks are primitive, out-of-control Neanderthals? Those Jews, Chinese, and white males are expected to have self-control. No such expectations exist for designated victim groups like blacks and Latinos.
By treating blacks as a special class, liberals marginalize and infantilize. Liberals also set the bar insultingly low.
Obama and his handlers knew that white liberal guilt could be exploited to their advantage. They realized that Obama would be insulated from scrutiny.
But it's not just guilt; it's also a white feeling of superiority. Because you have to see yourself as on top to offer special treatment to those on bottom.
Obama has been the Teflon President because of the color of his skin. Liberals are giving him a free ride.
We see it every day when criticism of Obama evokes cries of racism. But who are the real racists here?
Are the racists those conservatives who hold everyone accountable to the same standards? Who believe that people should be judged by their character and their behavior, not their race, creed, or color?
Or are the racists those white liberals who treat Obama like some delicate flower? While liberals still eviscerate George W. Bush, any judgment of Obama is off limits.
It's not just whites who are enabling Obama by acting like his protectors. Blacks voted en masse for Obama. Sadly, what has he offered them?
From the start, it was obvious that Obama, though half-black, had never done anything for the black community. In Chicago, his actions hurt blacks.
Obama was a huge supporter of Tony Rezko, a notorious slumlord, now a felon. When Obama served in the state senate, black residents picketed Rezko's offices to protest their rat-infested, unheated apartments.
And what has Obama done to help blacks since he's been president? One of Obama's first actions as president was eliminating the DC school voucher program that offered poor black kids the chance for a better life.
Obama and the Democrats have created record debt and crushed the economy. A depressed economy hits minority groups especially hard.
And then there is Obama's push for amnesty for illegals. How is giving jobs to millions of illegals going to help blacks, who have unconscionably high unemployment rates?
But there is one perk Obama has afforded the black underclass -- the right to behave brutally. Obama's Justice Department dropped charges for those New Black Panthers who allegedly threatened and harassed people at election sites.
This encouragement to act out is deeply cynical and manipulative. It's designed to control racial minorities and promote social unrest.
Although Obama has only agitated, not uplifted, Americans, most liberals regard him as their icon. To them, Obama is the Great Black Hope.
Liberals handle Obama with kid gloves. In the meantime, they turn a blind eye to his dangerous policies, like flirting with radical Islam. Liberals make excuses for the plummeting economy, blaming their usual bogeyman: conservatives.
They refuse to see Obama without the rose-colored glasses. Why? Because when it comes to Obama, liberals see a black man deserving of special treatment.
Will the real racist please stand up?
A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley. You can e-mail her via Due to time constraints, she regrets that she
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