Sunday, July 11, 2010

Muslim Hordes Killing Christians In Islamic World

From Atlas Shrugs:

By: Pamela Geller

Atlas Shrugs

Jamshed Masih, a police officer who was transferred 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Gujrat to Jhelum, Punjab Province, said a mob led by Muslim religious leader Maulana Mahfooz Khan killed his family on June 21 after Khan called him to the local mosque and told him to leave the predominantly Muslim colony. Jhelum is 85 kilometers (53 miles) south of Islamabad. “You must leave with your family, no non-Muslim has ever been allowed to live in this colony – we want to keep our colony safe from scum,” Khan told Masih, the bereaved Christian stated.

Masih had moved to Mustafa Colony in Jhelum with his wife, two sons and two daughters and were living in a rented house. Masih said that a Muslim neighbor, Ali Murtaza, told him that area Muslims notified Khan, telling the religious leader, “We cannot allow these non-Muslims to live here, they will be a bad influence on our children.” An anxious Masih told his wife Razia Jamshed about the local Muslim response, and they decided to bring their concern to the pastor of a local Presbyterian church, Saleem Mall. “Pastor Saleem said, ‘I will also advise you to vacate the house, as it can be dangerous living there – these people can harm your family,” Masih said. Masih’s neighbor, Murtaza, confirmed to Compass the response of the local Muslims and related incidents that led up to the murders. Murtaza told Compass that after Masih went to work at 7 a.m. on June 21, his children could be heard singing hymns before breakfast

Neighbors saw Masih’s s 11-year-old son come into the store, he said. The shopkeeper asked him if he was a Christian; the child responded that he was.“The shopkeeper refused to give him the packet of Surf and spoke very harshly to him,‘I don’t sell to any non-Muslim, you are not welcome here, don’t you dare ever come to my shop again,’” Murtaza said. The boy went home, upset. His neighbor, Murtaza, said that shortly afterward some area residents came to the door with the Muslim religious leader, Khan. “Your son has committed blasphemy against Muhammad, our beloved prophet – we can’t allow him to live, he should be punished,” Khan told Razia Masih, Murtaza said. “Razia got scared and said, ‘My son couldn’t do such a thing, he is only 11 years old.’”

Khan became furious and said, “Are we lying to you? You call us liars, how dare you insult us,” Murtaza said. “Someone from the crowd hit something hard on her head, and she started bleeding. The children started crying and shouted for help. Razia kept shouting for help, ‘Please have mercy on us, please let my husband come, then we can talk.’”

Additional anti-Christian stories are also completely missed by Western Press. For example a Christian girl kidnapped, raped in Pakistan:

A 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl from Mohalla Raja Sultan, Rawalpindi has been returned home after she was kidnapped and raped by five Muslim men. The girl, whose name has been withheld, had previously been threatened with death unless her faith.

Here's the June report of Anti-Christian hatred conducted by Muslims from the Bulletin of Christian Persecution:

June 3 - June 28, 2010

Turkey - A Catholic Bishop who was a leading figure in Christian communities in the Middle East was stabbed to death at his home in southern Turkey Thursday, and police arrested his driver in connection with the attack. The jihadi murderer climbed on the roof of the house shouted: "I killed the great Satan! Allah Akbar!"

June 7, 2010

Pakistan (Hat tip to InfidelsareCool) - The head of a Muslim village ordered the expulsion of 250 Christian families after they objected too strenuously to sexual assaults by Muslims on Christian girls and women.

Pakistan - Pakistan Government tightens security at minorities worship places. Some Christians were put on a ‘hit list.’

June 13, 2010

Iraq - Non-Muslims are not welcome any longer in large segments of the country. Kidnappings, rapes and executions are daily occurrences for the non-Muslims of Iraq.

June 14, 2010

Pakistan - In "Talibanized" Pakistan Christians are victims of yet more attacks.

June 15, 2010

Afghanistan/India - “We need Christians’ help all over the world to stop the Afghan government from arresting Dari-speaking Afghan Christians and condemning them to death by public execution.”

Somalia (hat tip to InfidelsAreCool) - The Muslim parents of a 17-year-old Somali girl who converted to Christianity severely beat her for leaving Islam and have regularly shackled her to a tree at their home for more than a month.

June 16, 2010

The Netherlands (Translated. Hat tip to IslaminEurope) - Muslims who become Christians in the Netherlands often have to deal with persecution, harassment and death threats.

Egypt (Hat tip to Pajamas Media) - Egyptian government is forcing the Coptic Christian Church to change its doctrine.

Pakistan (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - Five Muslims here kidnapped and raped a Christian girl after threatening to kill her unless her father allowed one of them to marry her.

June 17, 2010

Morocco - A Moroccan Christian is currently in prison serving 15 years for proselytizing.

Morocco (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - Moroccan Christians say Muslim extremists in the country are aiding and encouraging the government to pursue them by exposing and vilifying them on social networking site Facebook.

Kyrgystan (Hat tip to InfidelsAreCool) - Christians receive death threats during ethnic violence with the Uzbeks that kills 190 people.

Egypt (translated by Raymond Ibrahim. Hat tip to JihadWatch) - An Egyptian girl is kidnapped and her gold jewelry stolen by the Muslim village elder.

June 18, 2010

Afghanistan - The Afghan government is arresting and executing Afghani Christians.

June 22, 2010

Indonesia (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - Islamic extremists destroy an "immoral and blasphemous" sculpture saying it refers to the Christian trinity.

June 26, 2010

Pakistan (Hat tip to InfidelsAreCool) - Muslim students attacked a Christian professor at the University of Peshawar this month after he refused their demand to convert to Islam.

June 28, 2010

Israel - Seven Israeli Arab jihadis were arrested for murdering a Jewish cab driver and planning to kidnap and murder a Christian Arab in Nazareth and other crimes.

Bekasi, Indonesia - A new group calling itself the Bekasi Islamic Presidium is planning a roadshow aimed at persuading every mosque in the city to prepare for the possibility of “war” against “Christianization.”

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