Monday, September 20, 2010

Islam: Not A Religion, Instead Is A Political Organization Dedicated To Re-Establishment Of The Caliphate

From The Patriot Word:

Monday, September 20, 2010Islam is not a religion it's a political organization dedicated to reestablishing the Islamic Empire...

Proof that Islam is not a religion is found in their principle objective of reestablishing the caliph and establishing global caliphate.

Islamic Empire Under Mohammed

Understanding what Muslims mean when they say, “After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in Islam. Khulafa are ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. Though Khilafat had disappeared, it has been re-established as prophesied by The Holy Prophet, Muhammad”, is the place to start.

Using Muslims own definitions we see that Muslims consider Caliph (Khulafa) to be the leader of the world appointed by Allah and that Caliphate (Khilafat) is government by the Caliph.

It seems obvious that to reestablish Caliphate it must have existed already, knowing where and when might be beneficial in understanding what Muslims are planning.

The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 by a 22 year-old school teacher (Hasan al-Banna), has spawned most of the modern Islamic Terrorist groups in existence today. Why was it so important to reestablish a caliphate in 1928? After all, if it wasn’t important the cause wouldn’t have gained such wide Muslim support.

Islamic (Ottoman) Empire Circa 1500

The seminal event that impelled formation of the Muslim Brotherhood was the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1922. This event makes more sense once you understand that the Ottoman Empire was actually the Islamic Empire a Caliphate. The Ottoman Empire was an empire inspired and sustained by Islam it existed from 1301-1922. The Ottoman Empire was the continuation the Islamic Empire of Mohammed, it had the same world domination aspirations that Mohammed admitted to in the last years of his life after his transition from a poor inconsequential and largely ignored pseudo-prophet before his first wife’s death to a wealthy self-absorbed sadistic power seeking pervert after her death.

Why is it so important for Muslims to restore the Caliph and Caliphate? According to the Koran Allah will return when the Caliph is restored or implanted worldwide. A political body that was intent on ruling for a prolonged period would be wise to establish a plan of investment and development of the lands in which the preside, this is clearly not the case of Islam. As Islam is dedicated to bringing about the end of the world, they are not particularly concerned about what happens afterwards….

While we’re pretty sure that followers of Islam that truly understand their religion are strange people, that is not a crime. However, trying to establish a different form of government is a crime if it is done by force or subversion.

Muslim Population Concentration

Muslim infiltration is a worldwide strategy, and the Caliphate that they are trying to reestablish, Muslim Empire Caliphate, has the following characteristics:

Definable geographic borders, a highly centralized leadership structure, power transferred to a single person, and not split between rival princes, single family rule, state-run education system, religion incorporated in the state structure, lead by a Sultan regarded as "the protector of Islam", or a Caliph regarded as “Allah’s representative”, state-run judicial system, ruthless in dealing with local leaders, united by Islamic ideology and Islamic warrior code with ideal of increasing Muslim territory through Jihad, united by Islamic organizational and administrative structures, private power and wealth were controlled, very strong military, and slave-based army institutions

These are not the characteristics of a religion, they are the characteristics of a country. In short, Islam is not a religion it's a political organization dedicated to reestablishing the Islamic Empire. The clearly stated goal of Islam is to overthrow, undermine, or alter all existing non-Muslim governments and to replace them with Islamic government (Caliphate) under an Islamic leader (Caliph).

Attempting to overthrow the existing government is an illegal activity in every country on the face of the earth, including the United States.

Mosques are the physical locations used to spread Islam a doctrine with the primary objective of overthrowing non-Muslim governments. Teaching Islam is the same as advocating overthrow of the US government. Islam is not a religion it is a political movement dedicated to restoring the form of government that Mohammed established before he was assassinated by a fed-up wife and before the Ottoman Turk Empire collapsed. As such, all mosques should be closed immediately permanently banned from existence and operation, recognizing that mosques are no more places of worship than were Ottoman Turk military garrisons.

Banning Sharia Law is a no-brainer and the United States needs to implement Federal, State, County, and Municipal laws prohibiting the exercise of Sharia nationwide. As the specific tenets of Sharia are already illegal under our laws, the net effect is to send a loud and clear message:

You Will Never Implant Sharia Law In the US, Don't Bother Trying We Are Aware of Your Scheme and Having None of It!

He who has ears, let him hear (Mathew 11:15).

In the beginning was the Word, Jesus Christ... No mention of Allah or Mohammed

Posted by Walter L. Brown Jr. at 12:43 PM

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