Even for “moderate” Muslims, accommodation is a one-way street
by sheikyermami on October 19, 2010
The idea of a “moderate” Muslim is as absurd as the idea of a “moderate” cannibal, a moderate assassin or a moderate suicide bomber. We’ve been saying this for years, only to be called greasy “Islamophobes” by enlightened progressives and worse by those who take their religion serious enough to kill us. But slowly, slowly reality is seeping through:

“The promise of moderate Islam is beginning to look decidedly unconvincing,” says Janet Albrechtsen, and marshals a good deal of evidence for why that is the case. “The extremes of moderate Islam,” by Janet Albrechtsen for The Australian, October 20, (via JW, thanks to DP111, Mullah a.o.)
EVEN for supposedly reasonable Muslims, accommodation is a one-way street.
So is multiculturalism btw. The Muslims use it to infiltrate, to settle among us and to subvert, convert and spread Islam among us. Once they have the upper hand, there will be nothing but Islam, until Islam is the only cult-(ure) one is allowed to practice…..
PERCHED high in the verdant mountains of central Java recently, the rural silence was broken five times a day by the Muslim call to prayer. The chanting wafted up from loudspeakers in the local villages as Indonesian Muslims observed longer than usual prayers during Ramadan. I asked a cab driver if he was fasting until sunset during this Islamic month of reflection. Rules are made to be broken, he said with a smile. But not according to the government and police in Indonesia, a country hailed as the world’s largest, most moderate Muslim nation.
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Local newspapers report an American man being held on suspicion of blasphemy for pulling the plug on a loudspeaker at a local mosque. According to police, Luke Gregory Lloyd pulled out the loudspeaker’s cable in Kuta village in central Lombok when he was woken by the Koranic reading.
So how is moderate Islam doing in Indonesia? Not so well if you’re that American man facing five years in prison. Perhaps it’s all relative. In Saudi Arabia, he may have faced more violent punishment for his cultural insensitivity. That said, the promise of moderate Islam is beginning to look decidedly unconvincing.
Certainly, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has made plenty of promises. In an address at Harvard last year, he described his country as a model for how Islam, modernity and democracy can go hand in hand. He said tolerance and respect for religious freedom forms part of Indonesia’s “trans-generational DNA”.
Back in Indonesia, the President is quiet about the fact that moderate Islam is not so respectful of religious freedom if you belong to the Ahmadiyah sect. As yet another daily call to prayer began, I read about the ban on this religious sect for propagating its beliefs, including the tenet that Mohammed was not the final prophet. Indonesia’s Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali announced the Ahmadiyah congregation “must be disbanded immediately” for violating a 2008 decree prohibiting the group from spreading its teachings. If this “is considered as religious freedom, then I call it an excessive freedom”, Ali said.
Moderate Islam is not so moderate if you are a Christian either. In August, 300 hardline Islamic protesters confronted Christians worshipping in an open field owned by the Christians. The Christians want to build a church. A leader of the hardline Islamic Defenders Front told reporters that the culture of the people will not allow a church. Earlier this year, thousands of Muslim extremists set fire to a Christian community centre in West Java when they suspected the local Christians planned to build a small chapel. According to the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace, there have been more than 28 attacks on churches since January, a substantial increase since last year.
And how is moderate Islam doing when it comes to freedom of speech? While President Yudhoyono boasts about his country’s “increasingly incisive” free press, one the markers of moderate Islam’s commitment to democracy, it’s too bad if you’re the editor of Playboy Indonesia, a magazine consciously remodelled for the local market with no nudity. After being tried and acquitted for public indecency in 2007, Erwin Arnada was found guilty of public indecency last month by a new Supreme Court ruling. Arnada was arrested last week and has commenced a two-year prison sentence. The Indonesian constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is no match for hardline Islamic groups baying for Arnada’s blood. Is that moderation?
Move to New York and the fraught debate over the proposed Ground Zero mosque. Muslims demand the mosque be built. And their left-liberal supporters decry opponents of the mosque as bigots. They demonise and scold mainstream Americans who think otherwise. Even New Yorkers believe Muslims should show some sensitivity to the atrocities committed in the name of Islam on 9/11. A poll in The New York Times found that while 67 per cent agree the right to freedom of religion allows the building of the mosque, they believe the developers should find a different site. An editorial by the moralising New York Times would have none of that. Building the mosque would be “a gesture to Muslim-Americans”, it lectured. What about a gesture from moderate Muslims?
In recent years the West has fallen over itself to accommodate Muslim sensitivities. In Britain, the BBC boss says Islam should be treated differently from other religions. American publishers pull books that might offend Muslim sensibilities. Television stations censor images of Mohammed. Why does the accommodation always run one way?…
Fear, of course, and the idiotic multiculturalist guilt complex.
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