Resisting Islam causes wars for which the infidels are responsible….
by sheikyermami on October 20, 2010
Don’t take my word for it: Edip Yuksel, a good muslim, can explain it to you:
“Those who oppose Islam cause wars and are responsible for them …
“Those who oppose Islam cause wars and are responsible for them…”
by sheikyermami on February 4, 2010

Edip Yuksel is a good Muslim. Nobody can accuse him of misunderstanding his religion:
Muhammad said, “I have been ordered to fight against people until they say that “there is no god but Allah”, that “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”, they pray, and pay zakat (religious taxes.) If they do that, their lives and property are safe.” (Only temporarily…/ed)
Muslim scholar Bassam Tibi explains:
Those who oppose Islam cause wars and are responsible for them..
At its core, Islam is a religious mission to all humanity. Muslims are religiously obliged to disseminate the Islamic faith throughout the world. ”We have sent you forth to all mankind” (Q. 34:28). If non-Muslims submit to conversion or subjugation, this call (dawa) can be pursued peacefully. If they do not, Muslims are obliged to wage war against them. In Islam, peace requires that non-Muslims submit to the call of Islam, either by converting or by accepting the status of a religious minority (dhimmi) and paying the imposed poll tax, jizya. World peace, the final stage of the dawa, is reached only with the conversion or submission of all mankind to Islam. Muslims believe that expansion through war is not aggression but a fulfillment of the Quranic command to spread Islam as a way to peace. The resort to force to disseminate Islam is not war (harb), a word that is used only to describe the use of force by non-Muslims. Islamic wars are not hurub (the plural of harb) but rather futuhat, acts of “opening” the world to Islam and expressing Islamic jihad. Relations between dar al-Islam, the home of peace, and dar al-harb, the world of unbelievers, nevertheless take place in a state of war, according to the Quran and to the authoritative commentaries of Islamic jurists. Unbelievers who stand in the way, creating obstacles for the dawa, are blamed for this state of war, for the dawa can be pursued peacefully if others submit to it. In other words, those who resist Islam cause wars and are responsible for them. Only when Muslim power is weak is temporary truce (hudna) allowed (Islamic jurists differ on the definition of temporary). More>>
The OIC not only shares, but promotes this view vigorously. Edip Yuksel just wrote a book about it, and he knows who the enemy of peace are: Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, Ali Sina et al are just like, -you guessed it- bin Laden or Mullah Omar:
The Enemy of Peace!
A “Peacemakers Guide?”

Several people sent me information about this book recently, but I hadn’t intended to say anything about it, despite the honor Edip Yuksel does me by including me in his subtitle, and despite the slyly antisemitic caricature of David Horowitz on the cover. After all, I have had fun with Edip Yuksel’s book before. And Edip Yuksel was so thoroughly beaten in his two debates with me, Bill Warner and others on FrontPage that I thought he would have preferred that these debates be forgotten forever. Yet not only does he seem not to realize how soundly he was defeated and completely he was exposed, but he actually thinks he did well enough to publish his humiliation in a book. That self-delusion and/or ridiculous chutzpah seemed to me to be punishment enough, and so I thought I’d pass over his ludicrous book in silence.
But then Bill Warner of the excellent Political Islam site kindly sent me this thought-provoking piece, and it is amply worth reading:
Imagine my surprise when I opened an email ad from and found that a Muslim, who is a leading reformer, had written a book, Peacemaker’s Guide to Warmongers: Exposing Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, and other Enemies of Peace by Edip Yuksel. He made my day. Bill Warner was included in the product description as an enemy of peace. I am flattered.Why does Mr. Yuksel call me an enemy of peace and a warmonger? It’s simple. Partnered with Robert Spencer, I debated him in Frontpage Magazine Symposiumand beat him like a drum using the doctrine and history of political Islam. As a result, I have gone from being an opponent in a debate to an enemy of peace.
Am I an enemy of peace? Am I a warmonger? Yes, on an everyday basis and I want you to be an enemy of peace and a warmonger as well.
The question must be asked: what peace are we talking about? Islamic peace. How does Islamic peace come about? Islamic peace comes after jihad and the victory of Islam. Peace is one of those words that everyone considers to be universally good, but peace is what losers (kafirs) get, while winners (Muslims) get victory. Islamic peace is all about the victory over the kafirs. Islamic peace changes a free man into a slave of Allah.
We should examine the meaning of all words Muslims use, since Islam does not share a common ground of civilization with us. Islam twists all of the kafir words. To find out what “peacemaker” means we have to go to Mohammed. Mohammed was an Islamic peacemaker. In the last 9 years of his life, he was involved in an event of violence on the average of every 6 weeks.
Every single neighbor of Mohammed experienced his peacemaking. Take the Jews of Khaybar, for instance. They were going about their lives when the army of Mohammed showed up. It took the murder, rape, theft, torture and becoming semi-slaves before the Jews experienced the peace of Mohammed. Once they submitted to Islam as dhimmis and agreed to live under Sharia law and give him half of what they earned, the jizyah (the dhimmi tax), they were left to live in peace. This is the peace of Islam.
As long as Mohammed merely preached the religion of Islam in Mecca, he was a failure. Very few people were interested in the religion of Islam. It was only in Medina where he became a warlord that Islam succeeded, and he became a peacemaker.
The natural state of Islam in relation to kafirs is jihad, not peace. If we want to discover peace in Sharia law, we must look under the general heading of jihad to find the subject of “truce”. We learn that Muslims are not to call for a truce as long as they are winning. When Islam offers peace, it means that they are losing and need to gain time to prepare for the next jihad.
I am a warmonger because I use the doctrine of Islam to refute the deceptions of Muslims like Edip Yuksel. Last night in Nashville, TN, a Muslim stood in front of a college crowd and said that jihad was inner struggle. Working hard to get an A is jihad. Jihad is not holy war. He is right. When you examine the hadiths about jihad in Bukhari, about 2% of them can be construed as jihad is an inner struggle. However, the other 98% of the jihad hadiths are about killing kafirs until the rest submit to Islam.
Warmongering consists of asking questions to confront Islamic propaganda in this ideological war. Being a warmonger means showing up to support the Coptic Christians at a street demonstration about the jihad killing of Copts in Egypt. Warmongering means going to an interfaith bridge building and confronting the ministers and rabbis with their ignorance about Islam. Warmongering means speaking truth to the lies of Official Islam.
It works like this. Unless we have enough enemies of the Islamic peacemakers, one day our civilization will experience the peace of Islam, and we will be like the historical majority Greek Christian culture of Asia Minor. Today Greek Christians are 0.3% of Turkey. They’ve experienced the peace of Islam–annihilation.
By the way, at this writing Yuksel’s book is ranked #260,119 in’s sale ranking. If it goes up, Edip, I expect a thank-you note! (Yuksel’s book is doing so well that his already-published book ranks just a little bit ahead of my as-yet unpublished one — which will be out in July and promises a much more rewarding reading experience!)
Here’s more from Bassam Tibi, who seems to be the only Muslim (or ex-muslim) who understands what’s going on:
…. Tibi: Muslims have to give up three things if they want to become Europeans: They have to bid farewell to the idea of converting others, and renounce the Jihad. The Jihad is not just a way of testing yourself but also means using violence to spread Islam. The third thing they need to give up is the Shariah, which is the Islamic legal system. This is incompatible with the German constitution. There are also two things they need to redefine.
Tibi: Pluralism and tolerance are pillars of modern society. That has to be accepted. But pluralism doesn’t just mean diversity. It means that we share the same rules and values, and are still nevertheless different. Islam doesn’t have this idea. And Islam also has no tradition of tolerance. In Islam tolerance means that Christians and Jews are allowed to live under the protection of Muslims but never as citizens with the same rights. What Muslims call tolerance is nothing other than discrimination……. (I would add Islamically sanctioned exploitation, humiliation and oppression.. and the annihilation of the kafir is the final solution../ed)
But further on when Tibi is asked “But how do you expect to draw the third generation away from the influence of the mosques?” Tibi replies “I don’t have any clear idea either about how this should be done. The situation is this: young Muslims want to be “members of the club,” part of German society. But they are rejected. And parallel societies provide warmth. It is a vicious circle.” It seems that Tibi doesn’t see the young Muslims rejection by German society as resulting from the Muslims rejection of European values.
In my opinion Islam is the problem and a Muslim can’t be moderate. Islam simply does not allow moderation.
Foreign Minister Will Not Permit Saudi Arabia To Finance Mosques in Norway
Norway refuses to allow mosque-building millions from Saudi Arabia
The Norwegian foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, will not allow Saudi Arabia to finance or build any mosques in Norway because of the laws in Saudi Arabia that deny basic religious freedoms. This also includes money from Saudi citizens.
From Atlas Shrugs:
Homeland Security Goes Jihad: Pro-Khomeini Muslim Named to Homeland Security Advisory Council »
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Foreign Minister Will Not Permit Saudi Arabia To Finance Mosques in Norway
The Norwegian foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, will not allow Saudi Arabia to finance or build any mosques in Norway because of the laws in Saudi Arabia that deny basic religious freedoms. This also includes money from Saudi citizens.
America ought to take a serious look at such an approach. Not even from the religious aspect, but from the terror perspective and the obvious advanced civilizationist jihad that is advancing on a grand scale. 80% of the mosques in America have been radicalized by the Saudis.
Mainstream US Muslim organizations are heavily influenced by Saudi-funded extremists, according to Yehudit Barsky, an expert on terrorism at the American Jewish Committee.
Worse still, Barsky told The Jerusalem Post these "extremist organizations continue to claim the mantle of leadership" over American Islam.
The power of the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam in the United States was created with generous Saudi financing of American Muslim communities over the past few decades. Over 80 percent of the mosques in the United States "have been radicalized by Saudi money and influence," Barsky said.
Here's the Google translation to the article in the Norwegian press:
Minister (Labor) will prevent Saudi Arabia to finance mosques in Norway.
Saudi government and wealthy individuals want to build mosques for tens of millions in Norway. They have allowed according to Norwegian laws Ãkonomisk support to religious communities. The assumption is that the Norwegian government approves funding, newspaper VG.
In a response to the Islamic Center Tawfiiq MFA writing that it would be "paradoxical and unnatural if it was given approval for funding from sources in a country where it does not open for religious freedom."
- We could have said no, the principle does not give UD such approvals. But when we asked, we use the opportunity to add that an approval would be paradoxical since it is a crime in Saudi Arabia to establish Christian communities, said Minister of VG.
State Secretary Espen Barth Eide, visiting Saudi Arabia today, and will take up the allowance:
- I understand that many of my European colleagues have the same problem, and Norway will take the matter up in the Council of Europe, says the Minister.
The answer from the Foreign Ministry is to Tawfiiq Islamic Center, but the Minister said that the religious community Alnor that will build the mosque in Tromsø with the support of a Saudi Arabian businessman, will have an identical response.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 10:33 AM in Monitor the Mosques!, Sinister Saudi Arabia, Home of Wahhabism
America ought to take a serious look at such an approach. Not even from the religious aspect, but from the terror perspective and the obvious advanced civilizationist jihad that is advancing on a grand scale. 80% of the mosques in America have been radicalized by the Saudis.
Mainstream US Muslim organizations are heavily influenced by Saudi-funded extremists, according to Yehudit Barsky, an expert on terrorism at the American Jewish Committee.
Worse still, Barsky told The Jerusalem Post these “extremist organizations continue to claim the mantle of leadership” over American Islam.
The power of the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam in the United States was created with generous Saudi financing of American Muslim communities over the past few decades. Over 80 percent of the mosques in the United States “have been radicalized by Saudi money and influence,” Barsky said.
Here’s the Google translation to the article in the Norwegian press: One Mosque in Tromsø — One Church in Mecca
Taliban warns Dutch: “If the Netherlands maintains or intensifies its anti-Islam policy, it is certain that the Netherlands will be the target of an attack by a jihadist group”
Taliban spokesman says that the Dutch must lie down and do nothing to prevent their own conquest and Islamization — or else. “Taliban warns Dutch government: newspaper,” from Expatica, October 18:
A senior Afghan Taliban official has warned of an attack against the Netherlands if its new government implements the agenda of anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders, the Volkskrant daily reported Monday.”If the Netherlands maintains or intensifies its anti-Islam policy, it is certain that the Netherlands will be the target of an attack by a jihadist group,” Zabiullah Mujahed, a long-time Taliban spokesman, is quoted as having told the newspaper….
“If he (Wilders) succeeds in manipulating the Dutch parliament to pass more anti-Islamic legislation … there is no doubt that Muslims from other countries will take action to help their Muslim brothers and sisters,” Mujahed said.
He added that the Taliban was “very careful in its relations with the Netherlands” because “it was the first country that decided to stop the occupation of our country”….
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