From Winds of Jihad:
Al Qaeda Imam Abdul Rauf Rakes in the Dough for anti-American Speeches at Public Universities
by sheikyermami on March 21, 2011
Imam Rauf
Ground Zero Mosque Radical Imam Rauf Gets $20,000 to Speak at University (Atlas)
The Islamic machine is rolling in the dough and they accuse us of profiteering. Galling. Wake up, America.
It is outrageous that an extreme Imam who believes that we have “more Muslim blood on our hands than al qaeda has the blood of ‘innocent’ non-Muslims” (in Islam there are no “innocent” non-Muslims or they would be Muslims) and that Osama Bin Laden “was made in the USA” is receiving$20,000 to speak.
Yes, you read that right. $20,000.

‘Homegrown Terrorism’
CBN on Muslim Students Associations (Vlad Tepes)
CBN really does what our tax dollars are supposed to do, they need your support! Do something!
Meanwhile, the litigation jihad continues:
Islamic chutzpah: Ground Zero mosque organizers sue Burlington Coat Factory for “damage” to site
They’re going to tear down this building anyway, so what do they care about damage to its facade? This is just another Islamic supremacist attempt to bleed the kuffar. “Suit over Burlington ‘damage’ to GZ mosque site,” by Dareh Gregorian for the New York Post, March 20 (thanks to JW):
The Burlington Coat Factory was in such a hurry to distance itself from a former storefront that’s now a highly controversial proposed mosque near Ground Zero that it severely damaged the building when it ripped its old signs off, the property owners charge.In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, 45 Park Place Partners and 51 Park Place LH LLC say the chain’s “animus and hostility to the inclusion of the mosque in the development plans of the building” resulted in the company “illegally and forcefully” removing its massive signs, destroying the owners’ property and causing them “economic injury.”
The suit seeks a total of $4.1 million in damages.
A rep for Burlington Coat Factory declined comment….
Al Qaeda Imam Abdul Rauf Rakes in the Dough for anti-American Speeches at Public Universities
by sheikyermami on March 21, 2011
Imam Rauf
Ground Zero Mosque Radical Imam Rauf Gets $20,000 to Speak at University (Atlas)
The Islamic machine is rolling in the dough and they accuse us of profiteering. Galling. Wake up, America.
It is outrageous that an extreme Imam who believes that we have “more Muslim blood on our hands than al qaeda has the blood of ‘innocent’ non-Muslims” (in Islam there are no “innocent” non-Muslims or they would be Muslims) and that Osama Bin Laden “was made in the USA” is receiving$20,000 to speak.
Yes, you read that right. $20,000.

‘Homegrown Terrorism’
CBN on Muslim Students Associations (Vlad Tepes)
CBN really does what our tax dollars are supposed to do, they need your support! Do something!
Meanwhile, the litigation jihad continues:
Islamic chutzpah: Ground Zero mosque organizers sue Burlington Coat Factory for “damage” to site
They’re going to tear down this building anyway, so what do they care about damage to its facade? This is just another Islamic supremacist attempt to bleed the kuffar. “Suit over Burlington ‘damage’ to GZ mosque site,” by Dareh Gregorian for the New York Post, March 20 (thanks to JW):
The Burlington Coat Factory was in such a hurry to distance itself from a former storefront that’s now a highly controversial proposed mosque near Ground Zero that it severely damaged the building when it ripped its old signs off, the property owners charge.In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, 45 Park Place Partners and 51 Park Place LH LLC say the chain’s “animus and hostility to the inclusion of the mosque in the development plans of the building” resulted in the company “illegally and forcefully” removing its massive signs, destroying the owners’ property and causing them “economic injury.”
The suit seeks a total of $4.1 million in damages.
A rep for Burlington Coat Factory declined comment….
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