From Winds of Jihad:
by sheikyermami on March 20, 2011
Just in case you missed it: the demand for ‘prayer space’ is just another grab for territory.
‘All your empty churches are belong to us…’
“A study on the space for Muslim worship says that 300 thousand square meters are currently available in France. Double that is needed, according to the CFCM. Today, 150 construction projects are underway throughout the country”-

It is up to the Muslim community to solve the problem. The State or the Church has nothing to do with it. The French state has no business to fund mosques, and the French should make it prohibitively expensive for Muslims to build any mosques at all. (source)
You can have all kinds of diversity as long as it is Islamic:
Sarkozy sacks Muslim “diversity minister” who called on Muslims to quit ruling party over upcoming hearings on Islam
France has its own hearings coming up on how ” ‘the practice of religions may be compatible with the rules of the secular republic’, and secondly ‘the question of Islam in France’.” As always, it would be “Islamophobic” to suggest anything other than the idea that everything is fine, or not to wait patiently and indefinitely for Muslims in France to set their own house in order.
The “diversity minister” went so far as to “[compare] the situation of French Muslims to that of Jews during World War II and said the debate had been planned by a ‘handful of neo-Nazis’.”
Same tactics as ever: 1.) Deflect attention by appropriating victim status, and 2.) try to silence the discussion by implying that anything that even potentially casts Islam in a negative light is tantamount to inciting hate crimes.
Perhaps the Union for a Popular Movement should turn the tables and say they are calling hearings on “Francophobia.” “France’s Sarkozy sacks diversity head Dahmane,” from BBC News, March 11:
All inclusive diversity: Stoning of women qualifies for UN seat:
“Iran’s presence will be a real affront to women, but it will also show how the UN is back to business-as-usual despite the great fanfare this week surrounding the action it took on Libya.” Yep.
“Iran joins UN’s global body on the status of women,” by Steven Edwards for Postmedia News, March 5 (thanks to JW):
EUromed: the worst is yet to come:
French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
Why we must never trust the French:
French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
With pro-Sharia parties looking to play a significant role in new governments in North Africa and the Middle East, one would think that the French Foreign Minister might think this would be a good time to disengage from Euro-Med partnership initiatives. No such luck.
“Uprisings: Juppe’, Mediterranean Union Needed More Than Ever,” from ANSAmed, March 2 (thanks to Insubria):
(ANSAmed) – PARIS, MARCH 2 – In light of the uprisings in the Arab world the Union for the Mediterranean project, launched in 2008 in Paris, is needed more than ever. The statement was made by the new French foreign minister, Alain Juppe’, who already yesterday insisted on the need to revive this ambitious project.
During a speech to the Paris National Assembly Juppe’ stated that ”The Med Union is an idea that is needed more than ever before”, and added that ”Our common interest is to ensure that the development of the two shores will allow citizens of the south to live at home, on their land, in their countries, and to find there their rightful peace, freedom, work and prosperity.
That is what we will do by reviving the Med Union with the support of all European Union Countries”. The Union for the Mediterranean, a cooperation project between the EU and the Countries of the south shore of the Mediterranean, among which Israel, was one of the initiatives that was strongly desired by president Nicolas Sarkozy. But the stalemate in the peace process between Israel and Palestine still has not allowed the project to take off….
Euro-Med activity is actually ongoing: see “Europe’s looming demise,” by Pamela Geller in the Washington Times, December 30, 2009. French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
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by sheikyermami on March 20, 2011
Just in case you missed it: the demand for ‘prayer space’ is just another grab for territory.
‘All your empty churches are belong to us…’
“A study on the space for Muslim worship says that 300 thousand square meters are currently available in France. Double that is needed, according to the CFCM. Today, 150 construction projects are underway throughout the country”-

It is up to the Muslim community to solve the problem. The State or the Church has nothing to do with it. The French state has no business to fund mosques, and the French should make it prohibitively expensive for Muslims to build any mosques at all. (source)
You can have all kinds of diversity as long as it is Islamic:
Sarkozy sacks Muslim “diversity minister” who called on Muslims to quit ruling party over upcoming hearings on Islam
France has its own hearings coming up on how ” ‘the practice of religions may be compatible with the rules of the secular republic’, and secondly ‘the question of Islam in France’.” As always, it would be “Islamophobic” to suggest anything other than the idea that everything is fine, or not to wait patiently and indefinitely for Muslims in France to set their own house in order.
The “diversity minister” went so far as to “[compare] the situation of French Muslims to that of Jews during World War II and said the debate had been planned by a ‘handful of neo-Nazis’.”
Same tactics as ever: 1.) Deflect attention by appropriating victim status, and 2.) try to silence the discussion by implying that anything that even potentially casts Islam in a negative light is tantamount to inciting hate crimes.
Perhaps the Union for a Popular Movement should turn the tables and say they are calling hearings on “Francophobia.” “France’s Sarkozy sacks diversity head Dahmane,” from BBC News, March 11:
All inclusive diversity: Stoning of women qualifies for UN seat:
“Iran’s presence will be a real affront to women, but it will also show how the UN is back to business-as-usual despite the great fanfare this week surrounding the action it took on Libya.” Yep.
“Iran joins UN’s global body on the status of women,” by Steven Edwards for Postmedia News, March 5 (thanks to JW):
EUromed: the worst is yet to come:
French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
Why we must never trust the French:
French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
With pro-Sharia parties looking to play a significant role in new governments in North Africa and the Middle East, one would think that the French Foreign Minister might think this would be a good time to disengage from Euro-Med partnership initiatives. No such luck.
“Uprisings: Juppe’, Mediterranean Union Needed More Than Ever,” from ANSAmed, March 2 (thanks to Insubria):
(ANSAmed) – PARIS, MARCH 2 – In light of the uprisings in the Arab world the Union for the Mediterranean project, launched in 2008 in Paris, is needed more than ever. The statement was made by the new French foreign minister, Alain Juppe’, who already yesterday insisted on the need to revive this ambitious project.
During a speech to the Paris National Assembly Juppe’ stated that ”The Med Union is an idea that is needed more than ever before”, and added that ”Our common interest is to ensure that the development of the two shores will allow citizens of the south to live at home, on their land, in their countries, and to find there their rightful peace, freedom, work and prosperity.
That is what we will do by reviving the Med Union with the support of all European Union Countries”. The Union for the Mediterranean, a cooperation project between the EU and the Countries of the south shore of the Mediterranean, among which Israel, was one of the initiatives that was strongly desired by president Nicolas Sarkozy. But the stalemate in the peace process between Israel and Palestine still has not allowed the project to take off….
Euro-Med activity is actually ongoing: see “Europe’s looming demise,” by Pamela Geller in the Washington Times, December 30, 2009. French foreign minister: Mideast uprisings show Mediterranean Union needed now more than ever
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