Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf: "If Christians Were To Regard Muslims As Unitarians With An Arabic Liturgy," Many Of America's Problems With The Muslim World Would Be Solved

From Jihad Watch:

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf: "If Christians were to regard Muslims as Unitarians with an Arabic liturgy," many of America's problems with Muslim world would be solved

Hardcore Leftist dhimmi pseudo-journalist David Weigel here casts the Islamic supremacist Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf as a victim, lamenting that Rauf "got a brutal reminder of what happens when idealism meets religion and politics" and "went through the ringer" over the Ground Zero Mosque initiative. Meanwhile, the pitiable victim is so marginalized that his event in Colorado was attended by Paul Bremer, the former head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq -- another influential figure who is clueless about the global jihad and Islamic supremacism.

True to form, Weigel doesn't tell his unthinking Leftist marks at Slate what Pamela Geller explains here:

It is clear that Rauf and other mosque leaders are not as moderate as they claim to be. Rauf has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood...The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.” Rauf’s book What’s Right with Islam says on the copyright page that “this edition was made possible through a joint effort of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and the office of Interfaith and Community Alliance of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Funding for this project was provided by IIIT.” Both IIIT and ISNA are Muslim Brotherhood fronts, and ISNA was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding case.

Rauf refused to condemn Hamas until the public outcry became too great for him to ignore. He was a prominent member of the Perdana organization, which bankrolled the jihad flotilla sent against Israel last year, on which the "peaceful" passengers were chanting a genocidal and antisemitic Islamic jihad chant.

Also, Rauf has said that “the US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end.” He has claimed that “Western active involvement in shaping the internal affairs of Islamic societies have contributed to the creation of terrorism done in the name of Islam.” In other words, defending ourselves against jihad terrorism just creates jihad terrorism, so we should stop defending ourselves.

Rauf has carried his blame game even farther, claiming: “We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims.” He even said on 60 Minutes shortly after 9/11 that Osama bin Laden was “made in the USA."

The Arabic translation of Rauf’s book What's Right with Islam is disturbingly entitled A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of Post-9/11 America. This indicates that he has planned for years to spread Islam and Sharia from the site of the 9/11 attacks -- belying his more recent claims that he intends the mosque to be a center for reconciliation and peace.

Geller adds: "In his book, Rauf supports and justifies Sharia law, and calls for restrictions on free speech in America. He has written another book that has gotten little notice: Islam: A Sacred Law—What Every Muslim Should Know About Sharia. In it he explains why God’s law is superior to manmade law, or that is, why Sharia is better than democracy."

Geller also notes that Rauf "snagged more than $2 million in public financing to renovate low-income apartments" that he owned in New Jersey, but never made the renovations. Where is that money?

He has also been completely dishonest about the mosque project itself. Now it is a community center nowhere near Ground Zero, but when it was initially announced Rauf was forthright, saying: “New York is the capital of the world, and this location close to 9/11 is iconic.” That statement has now been scrubbed from the online version of the New York Times article in which it initially appeared.

Rauf even threatened America over this project, saying that if the mosque were not built, “if we don’t do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world....If we don’t handle this crisis correctly, it could become something very dangerous indeed.”

But to Dave Weigel, he is a poor victim. Pity poor Rauf! And pity even more the Slate readers who fall for this nonsense.

"Park51, Reconsidered," by David Weigel in Slate, June 28:

ASPEN, Col. -- I stopped by a luncheon here to listen to a guest who, since the last Ideas fest, got a brutal reminder of what happens when idealism meets religion and politics. He was Feisel Abdul Rauf, the man behind the Cordoba Initiative, who went through the ringer in 2010 when his hopes to build a Muslim community center near Ground Zero gave us the "Ground Zero mega-mosque" frenzy. (Rauf cheekily used that term to refer to the controversy.)

"Wherever I go in the Muslim world," he said, "it's the first question people want to ask me." In the Arab world, he said, people were dazzled by the story. "When President Obama gave speech on Ramadan, the banner headline in the Egyptian Gazette was" Obama supports GZ Mosque. The narrative, in some important ways, gave [America] a boost."

That word, "narrative," seemed to come up in Rauf's every other sentence. Many of America's problems with the Muslim world could be solved with a narrative shift. "if Christians were to regard Muslims as Unitarians with an Arabic liturgy," he said, quoting himself tongue-in-cheekly, "perhaps we'd get over some of this." And "we need films to show Muslims in a positive light. I've commissioned three scripts."...

Maybe he could commission a few Unitarians to blow themselves up in crowds of non-Unitarians; that would do a world of good to help the Christians that Rauf has in mind start equating Muslims with Unitarians.

Posted by Robert on June 28, 2011 11:29 PM

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