From A Charging Elephant:
Islamization Takes Over the Streets of Europe: is America Next?
Posted on September 5, 2010
by dancingczars
1 Comment
by Lisa Richards
This is another example of gutless politically correct politicians not authorizing the police to round these law breakers up for fear of Muslim backlash. It is clear that when Muslims reach a critical mass, 5-10% of the population, they demand their own law, Sharia law, the laws of the Constitution they immigrated to be damned.
This piece should serve as a wake up to the liberal sycophants our media and our progressive leaders who for the most part are living in the sixties that these folks mean business. Their goal, complete domination of the world, conquer, submit or die, complements of the cult of death, ISLAM.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C.
Islam has taken over Europe and is fully intent on conquering America. Islam has slowly gained momentum in America, notably since 9/11, using freedom of religion as a weapon of war to literally take over American city streets.
America, Look at Your New Daily Block Parties
In an attempt to warn America, Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) reporter Dale Hurd met with Parisian “Maxime Lepante,” (an alias to protect the Parisian’s identity from Islamic threats) who secretly filmed the Islamic conquest of France, exposing it so it can be prevented in America. Lepante’s video reveals over-crowded Paris streets with thousands of Muslims on their knees praying, stopping traffic, and making it impossible for pedestrians to enter places of business. The video is a dire presage for Americans facing invasion by dominant subjugation in the streets of New York City. (See Video Here)
Leponte tells Hurd:
Muslims are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave their homes, nor go into their homes during those prayers. The Muslims taking over those streets do not have any authorization. They do not go to the police headquarters, so it’s completely illegal [in France]. The Muslims in the streets have been granted unofficial rights that no Christian group is likely to get under France’s laïcité, or secularism law.
According to Hurd:
This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene. It shows that even though some in the French government want to get tough with Muslims and ban the burqa, other parts of the French government continue to give Islam a privileged status.
America, unlike France, is not a secular nation; America has a bill of rights guaranteeing freedom of religion. Those rights, however, have been stripped from Christians and Jews and given to Muslims.
Leponte explains that laïcité prevents French citizens or visitors from openly practicing any form of religion in public:
It says people have the right to share any belief they want, any religion. But they have to practice at home or in the mosque, synagogues, churches and so on. Some say Muslims must pray in the street because they need a larger mosque.
French Christians and Jews are forbidden public religious practices under secular laws.
How did this happen to France?
Decades-ago, Europe granted Islam rights to immigrate, because:
Due to France’s growing economy in the 1960s, the government turned to immigration as a solution to their labour shortage. They enticed workers from their former colonies of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia to fill job vacancies, granting visas but not French citizenship to their families.
France’s acceptance of Islamic immigration led to Islamic takeover and a refusal to abide by laws. Muslims only follow Sharia,which calls for world-wide Islamic takeover:
They are coming there [to Paris] to show that they can take over some French streets to show that they can conquer a part of the French territory.
Muslims in America crowd New York City streets and school yards while refusing to abide by the Constitution.
New York City is beginning to look like a Mecca Hajj:
1.Astoria Queens
3.Jamaica Queens School Yard
4.Madison Ave
5.New York Muslims also hold Muslim Day Parades.
What would happen if Jews demanded all NYC traffic be shut down for Rosh-Hashanah?
MSNBC would declare that a war of terror.
Islam denies free speech and religion, Muslims insist on conquering the West with Islamic laws and politics. Robert Spencer explains:
If they [Islam] succeed in doing this, Europeans and Americans will be rendered mute, and thus defenseless, in the face of the advancing jihad and attempt to impose Sharia on the West—in fact, one of the key elements of the laws for dhimmis, non-Muslims subjugated under Islamic rule, is that they are never critical of Islam, Muhammad, or the Qur’an.
Islamic expert and French philosopher Radu Stoenescu, famous in France for debating Islamic leaders, says Islam is a political movement intent on conquering the world by practicing polygamy: the men have as many children as possible so Islam out-numbers the French birthrate and population. Stoenescu warns:
The problem of Islam is more than a problem of numbers. The problem is one of principles…It doesn’t matter how many there are. The problem is the people who follow Islam; they’re somehow in a political party, which has a political agenda, which means basically implementing Sharia and building an Islamic state.
According to Hurd, France is “fed up”:
[E]ven if many government elites are in France are in denial over Islam, the people in the streets increasingly are not. Some have become fed up with what they see as the growing Islamization of France. They’ve started staging pork and wine ‘aperitifs,’ or cocktail parties in the street. They’re patriotic demonstrations meant to strike back against Islam.
New Yorkers might consider patriotic block parties near mosques with bikini-clad gals serving hot dogs and beer.
Praying in the streets is not an expression of freedom of religion; it is a militant demonstration belonging to a political system laid out in its founding document—the Koran–to ultimately achieve world domination.
Islam is not just a religion, Islam does not pledge allegiance to America or Europe, Muslims conform only Islam and Allah.
Islam is laying siege in America. Will America allow itself to become Sharia-compliant like France and the EU or stand up and resist this radical political conquest?
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