Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Honor-Killing On The Increase In Germany

From Winds of Jihad:

Honor Killing on the Double in Cologne

by sheikyermami on December 1, 2010

Update: Islamic law forbids a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man. And even murder is preferable to that. “Muslim girl killed for love affair with Hindu,” from Indo-Asian News Service, November 25 via JW:

Muslim girl killed for love affair with Hindu


Last night in Cologne-Braunsfeld the family man Mr Mustafa Tilki (pictured) shot his former girlfriend Laura V. (29 years old) and the man who accompanied her, (34-year old ) It appears that Laura was afraid of her former lover and his violent outbursts and beating her with sticks, for that reason she asked the 24-year old man to protect her on her way home. It looks as though Mustafa couldn’t bear the insult of having been ditched and assuming that Laura’s protector was “the new one’ he pulled a gun and shot them both. The police prefers to call this honor killing a “drama caused by jealousy…”

Ehren-Doppelmord in Köln-Braunsfeld

Der 41-jährige Familienvater Mustafa Tilki (Foto) hat gestern Abend gegen 19 Uhr in Köln-Braunsfeld seine 29-jährige ehemalige Geliebte Laura V. und deren 34-jährigen Begleiter auf dem Nachhauseweg von ihrem Arbeitsplatz erschossen. Laura V. hatte sich von Mustafa Tikli wegen seiner “Gewaltausbrüche” und “Stockschläge” getrennt und das zweite Opfer gebeten, sie zu begleiten, aus Angst vor dem Ex-Freund. Dieser war über die Trennung nicht hinweggekommen und hielt den Begleiter vermutlich für den “Neuen”. Den offensichtlichen Ehrenmord nennt die Kölner Polizei aber lieber “Eifersuchtsdrama”. [mehr]

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