Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Islamists And Leftists Extol Benefits Of Sharia Law During Hearing In U.S. Capitol Building

From Europe News:

Islamists And Leftists Extol Benefits Of Sharia Law During Hearing In U.S. Capitol Building

Weasel Zippers 22 June 2011

How’s this for assploding hypocrisy. The ACLU, guardians of all things secular, were defending Islamic religious law from being banned by state governments. (TPM) — A woman in a hijab expounded on the benefits of Sharia in the basement of a Capitol office building on Monday, and somehow society has yet to collapse.

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) held a hearing on the threat that state-level anti-Sharia bill present to American democracy in a room in the basement of the House Rayburn building at noon.

Congressional staffers, reporters and yes, Muslims, gathered to hear about opposition to the anti-Sharia laws which are spreading across statehouses.

Noha A. Bakr, commissioner of the Montgomery County Commission for Women, said that Sharia isn’t a set of laws but a way of life.

"What we’re being told about Islamic law and what’s called Sharia… is in fact something else,” Bakr said. "I believe it may in fact be a misinterpretation of Islamic law for the purposes of controlling and manipulating populations to authoritarian means.”

Rabbi Gerry Serotta, executive director of Clergy Beyond Borders, seemed to take a shot at former Speaker Newt Gingrich when he said that taking aim at would hurt American exceptionalism. What makes America exceptional, said Serotta, is that America welcomes religious minorities. (...)

Posted June 22nd, 2011 by pk

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