Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Few Groups Are Receptive To Islamofascst Threat

From Jihad Watch:

Zmirak: A Pink Cloud Hangs Over Britain

With some notable exceptions -- I just spoke at a Catholic conference in Ohio last Friday -- I've found Catholic audiences to be generally unreceptive to information about the jihad threat. Like other groups, particularly religious groups, they may suspect that to resist the jihad and Islamic supremacism is tantamount to working against religious freedom -- a view that arises from ignorance of the political and supremacist character of Islamic law.

But there are signs that Roman Catholics in America are awakening to the threat. John Zmirak, a Catholic writer who is one of the most absorbing and accomplished writers of any perspective on the scene anywhere today (and author of the superbly witty book The Bad Catholic's Guide to Good Living), has written a piece at Inside Catholic, "A Pink Cloud Hangs Over Britain," July 28, that demonstrates that at least some American Roman Catholics are starting to realize what is happening.

When Pope Benedict deplanes in Great Britain, he should probably wear a gas mask, and keep it on all through his visit. Sure, it might mar his public appearances, making the Vicar of Christ seem even more alien than he already does, on an island whose sense of national identity was formed in large part by its rejection of popery for potpourri. Just for fun, I think that Il Papa's first remarks to the Prime Minister, wheezed through the gas-mask, really should be: "Luke . . . I am your father." That might even tickle poor Christopher Hitchens.

Why should the pope wear protective breathing gear? To preserve his good health and sanity from the Pink Cloud of "human rights" unanchored in any responsibilities that hangs over the island from Cornwall to the Orkneys -- and which pumps energetically from every bodily orifice of Prime Minister David Cameron. The leader of that kingdom's once-great Conservative Party has worked energetically to remake it in the image of Tony Blair's New Labour, whoring after strange gods such as "multiculturalism" and "diversity," two postmodern euphemisms for national suicide.

That same Cloud hangs thick as incense around the archbishop of Canterbury. It billowed skyward when he squinched up his furry face to embrace sharia law in Britain, and it leaks out from under his skirts whenever he reassures Britons that when Islamic clerics call for universal Islamic law and for "death to the unbelievers," what they really want is tolerance and peace. Like laughing gas at the dentist, the Pink Cloud eases the pain. It blurs your thoughts about the drill and the blood, and reminds you that everyone else is really just like you. Orthodox Muslims may think that they favor honor-killing, female genital mutilation, polygamy, jihad, and second-class citizenship for "unbelievers." But if you grant them all their political demands, and speak to them in a calm, reassuring voice, they will in time come to see that all they really want is a good, starchy meal, a pint of decent ale, and a football match on the telly. They just don't realize it yet.

I've huffed this cloud myself, eager for reassurance that implacable enemies of the Western way of life -- with all its flaws, damn it, it's ours -- are in fact, behind their henna beards, just folks. I've read endless paragraphs of anaesthetic blather emitted by the Catholic B.S. Generator on the subject of Islam, by liberals who view Muslims as ersatz Mexicans wearing differently shaped hats, and by conservatives who fantasize that someday imams will help us round up and behead all the abortionists. Such daydreams can lull anyone into a mellow, alpha-brainwave, second-joint-in-Southern-California stupor, which can last for up to 20 minutes -- after which you've forgotten about the whole question of Islam engulfing the cradle of our civilization, because you're Googling the latest Lady Gaga video....

Read it all.

Posted by Robert on August 3, 2010 4:24 AM

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