Wednesday, May 18, 2011

EDL Oppose Radical Muslims Outside The U.S. Embassy

From Europe News:

EDL Oppose Radical Muslims Outside the US Embassy

English Defence League 10 May 2011

On Saturday, a small group of brave patriots from across London and the surrounding area came together to once again oppose the radical Islamic group Muslims Against Crusades (MAC).

The support received from the public as we leafleted outside the muster pub was truly astounding - men and women of all ages, races and social classes, all thanking us and wishing us well.

Not surprisingly, there was no sign of the UAF, the trade unions or anyone else that claims to ‘oppose all extremism’, but who only actually come out to counter our demonstrations.As we marched to the park opposite the US embassy, cars and vans hooted in support. Once in the park, we relaxed with music, songs, casual chatter, crosswords and a bite to eat, as we waited for MAC to arrive.

Then a Muslim lady came over to speak to us. We were hoping to be able to address any misconceptions that she may have had about our intentions and for her to join our counter-demonstration. But unfortunately she just yelled abuse, calling us "scum" and showering praise on Osama bin Laden, calling him a "martyr" and "freedom fighter" – exactly the sort of extremism that we’d come to oppose.

Obviously this provoked a reaction, but EDL supporters kept it peaceful and attempted to have a reasoned debate with the woman. What did the police do in the face of this obvious provocation? Absolutely nothing… except warn US to be careful. I complained to an officer about them allowing this lady to provoke us and incite hatred. The officer’s response?

"What can we do? Orders from above, we can’t touch them."

Just what you want to hear, the police force refusing to protect British citizens or to arrest criminals, based on nothing but the criminals’ religion.That response at least served as a warning. Despite complying fully with the police (on the day and during the build up) we had to endure 3 hours penned in to a small area near the US embassy, and officers refused to answer basic questions about where we were permitted to go and how long our movements would be restricted.

This was all going on whilst MAC were allowed to pollute London’s air with their hate speech and threats. They faced no warnings or any action of any kind from the police, despite the fact that members of the public had been attacked by MAC on their march to the embassy, with a young lad being knocked unconscious (we've since had word that he's been released from hospital and will be fine).Throughout the protests, the EDL supporters were entirely peaceful with no hint of violence. Three individuals were arrested (for reasons that remain unclear), but no charges were filed. All in all, the counter-demonstration itself was a joyous occasion with chants of "Where’s bin Laden gone?" and "We love Navy Seals" joining the usual patriotic songs. There was even a conga thrown in for good measure.

It was a day of celebration for us. A murderous terrorist is dead and he doesn’t deserve to be mourned – unlike, of course, the innocent people who were murdered in the 9/11 and 7/7 atrocities. Their memories live on through their friends and relatives, in England, in the US, and around the world. We stand side by side with all those who lost people on those horrible days, and reject those who believe that these terrible acts were justified.On Saturday we did our part to make clear that terrorist supporters have no place in England. It is to our shame that so many terrorist sympathisers, financiers, radical preachers, recruiters and eventual terrorists have found a safe haven in this country. This needs to stop.

We need to stand up for the people of England, for the United Kingdom, for our American cousins, and for all freedom-loving peoples across the world. Defending ourselves from radical Islam is the only way in which we can help to defend others.

We’re glad that the public were so receptive to our counter-demonstration, as it would seem to signal a growing willingness to acknowledge the threat that radical Islam poses, and a desire to see it defeated

Posted May 10th, 2011 by pk

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