Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fighting For Freedom While Losing His Own: A Geert Wilders Interview

From Europe News:

Fighting for Freedom While Losing His Own: An Interview with Geert Wilders

David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog 17 May 2011

By Christine Williams

"In the process of fighting for freedom, I lost my own freedom,” Dutch politician Geert Wilders explained.

Our weekly Canadian program, "On the Front Line,” was one of the media outlets carefully selected to interview Wilders during his first visit to Canada last week. For several years, public and private discourse has centered around the sensationalism of Wilders’ epic battle against the Islamization of the West. But this interview (still to be aired) revealed some of Wilders’ less publicized views on moderate Islam and the personal cost of his quest.

Wilders, who remains under explicit death threats from Muslims, is dismissed by leftists as a scary, anti-Muslim radical. While one may disagree with his views and methodologies, his struggle against radicalism is nothing short of a Western obligation. The principal point of contention on Wilder’s approach is that he does not readily make a distinction between moderate and radical Islam. He referred to the famous Belgian Professor of Islamic Studies—Urbain Vermeulen—describing Islam as 95 percent ideology and 5 percent religion. Islam, like communism and fascism, is totalitarian and seeks to rule every aspect of individual and state life.

Wilders pointed out that "there are almost more mosques than windmills in Holland today.” His answer is to stop building new mosques and madrassas that teach violence and hate, and to stop immigration from Muslim countries to stem the Islamization of the West. He does not advocate deporting Muslims, except those that have crossed the "red line” which refers to any Muslim acting according to Shariah and against our values (for example, practicing FGM and honour killings). Such Muslims, says Wilders, should be stripped of their western nationality and sent back to their countries of origin.

Yet on further probing about the moderate Muslims who face death threats fighting for the same anti-Islamist cause, Wilders did recognize the existence of moderates and makes a key distinction between the Muslim individual and the ideologies of Islam. The more moderates the better, he said, and we should support them in any way possible. He also made the point that the Koran regards such Muslims as apostates worthy of death, yet if they see themselves as Muslims, we must support them.

The final question we posed to Wilders concerned the personal toll on his life, even before the release of his short film "Fitna.” His neutral look gave way to his humanity with a brief sadness as he replied:

I’ve lived for seven years now under threats, under protection. My wife and I lived in prisons cells, army barracks and safe houses . I’ve had to wear wigs, mustaches and change places every few days. Unfortunately my life is in danger. In the process of fighting for freedom, I lost my own freedom. It is something you would not wish your worst enemy to have. If I go and see someone I have to tell the diplomatic police in Holland in advance. Abroad is more difficult. I have no privacy .

But I am not complaining. This is not about me. It’s about the fight for freedom. But I know one thing: If I were to moderate my voice, or leave politics, the people who use non-democratic means, who want to kill you, who use threats will win. I will never, ever let them win. I have a mission, I fight for freedom and even though I lost my own freedom I will never give in.

The significance of Geert’s reply is superlative. It bears witness to the forces of radicalism and the risks faced by those having their lives altered and even lost in the fight for our freedoms. Sadly not everyone appreciates the trials of such individuals. Much worse are those (even in some right wing publications) who erroneously criticize the very people engaged in this struggle for freedom. To think someone would actually say this:

Wilders is entitled to this free speech in Canada but I figure if you want to be really tough, drop the seven-member security detail and deal with the realities of what comes from the views you espouse

According to Mark Steyn, "Wilders lives under armed guard because of explicit death threats against him…Ah, yes, in the Netherlands, as in Canada, the truth is no defence.” But the most heinous of all are far leftists who ally themselves with radical Islam.

Closing our interview, Geert Wilders warned that the severity of Islamization in Europe will eventually happen in Canada and the U.S. His closing advice and challenge to Westerners, despite innumerable voices accusing him of being an anti-Muslim hatemonger:

Don’t get angry or violent to Muslims but see what Islam stands for and make a choice: do you fight for our culture based on Judaism, Christianity, humanism, or do we go for a culture that goes for violence and domination?

Posted May 17th, 2011 by pk

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