Monday, March 5, 2012

Musel-gratitude and the Arab winter

From Winds of Jihad:

Musel-gratitude and the Arab winter

Sure. That’s because they’re a sorry bunch of mofo’s. ”UK says Libya sorry for desecration of WWII graves,” from Agence France-Presse, March 5 via JW.
Libya:  ‘Destroy that cross, they are dogs’ 
 What Did You Think ‘Liberation” Means?
More on this story, in the updated report: “Desecrated: The shocking video of Churchill’s Desert Rats’ graves being smashed to rubble… by the Libyans we helped liberate,” by Ian Gallagher and Martin Delgado for the Daily Mail, March 4 via JW
Real Muslims wouldn’t kill people in spring, or something:
“How can it be an Arab Spring when people are being killed every day? …They speak of Iraq and democracy, and one million Christians out of an original 1.5 million have fled Iraq.”
“Violence turning Arab Spring into winter,” by Michael Stott and Samia Nakhoul for Al Arabiya, March 4 (thanks to JW)
Will the central government in Abuja act like there is still a central government in Abuja, and step up and protect its citizens? “Nigeria’s Boko Haram calls for “war” on Christians,” by David Eto for Bikya Masr, March 4 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
The guy’s got money. He’s a tycoon and knows whom to bribe. But that doesn’t mean its over. Somewhere a soldier of allah is sharpening his knives:
He posted a cartoon making fun of a style of dress, and that was seized upon an insult to Islam. Naguib Sawiris was really being brought to trial for daring to mock those who intended to be his new overlords, but who seem to have overreached for now. An update on this story. “Egypt court clears tycoon of Islam insult,” by Samer al-Atrush for Agence France-Presse, March 3:

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